Oliver Cowdery The Evening and the Morning Star

Evening and Morning Star 1-5

Evening and Morning Star 1-8

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Evening and Morning Star 15

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<"Faith of Church">
Sidney Rigdon "Faith of the Church," E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)

FAITH OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THESE LAST DAYS. NO. II. [Continued from our February, Number.] {beliefs-lds}

IF there is any understanding to the bible, or if it was ever intended to be of any use to man, it surely was designed that it should be understood by those to whom it was sent, and into whose hands it was put; and it must be so written as to be comprehended by the people not only of the age in which it was written, but all ages, or else it could be of no advantage; for as far as it is not understood, so far men are not profited by it. But in the present generation, there does not appear to be as much difficulty existing in understanding the bible, as there is an unwillingness to believe that which is easily understood. No man will endeavor to prove, (that is an honest man,) that the bible means different from what it says, unless he does not believe what it says; for if he believed what it said, he would never try to make himself or others believe that it meant any thing different. For instance, the prophet Isaiah says, chapter 40, and verse 31, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." But here the strongest nerved sectarians fail in belief; they cannot think that it is possible that any man can obtain this power; therefore, they try to persuade themselves that the prophet did not mean what he said, merely because they do not believe what he did say. If the men of this generation believed what the bible said, the gathering of Judah, and of Israel, Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, would be a matter of universal belief; but here lies the difficulty, this religious generation is like the Editor of the Millenial Harbinger, who never dare approach the Millenium, because he had some "misgivings" about the rules of the interpretation of prophecy which men had laid down for him; so is it with this unbelieving generation, the Editor of the Harbinger included; they have some "misgivings" about the truth of the declarations of the prophets, and they have fearful apprehensions that they will never take place, notwithstanding the prophets have said so in so many words; and through their unbelief they are driven to the necessity of throwing, as far as in them lies, a vail of darkness over these subjects, for disbelieving then: if they should let them stand uncovered, down must come the whole of their religion and bible together. And to avoid that fearful consequence, they have laid down rules for interpreting the sayings of the prophets; but in this there seems to be a great difficulty, for they cannot agree upon any certain rules, and so they leave the world in perfect darkness, not knowing whether the bible is true or false; and what interpretation we get from them is nearly resembling the "Delphic oracle," let what will take place, they construe the words of the prophets so as to make them mean that thing.

This modern way of disposing of the bible by sectarian infields, is carried by some to a greater, and some to a less extent, according as their respective systems will admit; some have gone so far as to say that there never was really a deluge, nor was Sodom or Gomorrah burned, neither was the Red Sea divided, nor did a pillar of fire by night, or a pillar of a cloud by day, attend Israel in their march from Egypt to Palestine. The writer of this article once heard a man attempting to prove in a sermon, that the soldiers did not give the Savior vinegar and gall to drink when he was on the cross, but it meant that those who rejected his gospel, and treated lightly his salvation, were the persons who gave him vinegar and gall to drink; and all these things were to be spiritualized. Others have said, that the foregoing scriptures were doubtless to be understood literally, (we mean that portion whose creed did not render it necessary to spiritualize them,) but other passages which come in contact with their creed did not render it necessary to spiritualize them,) but other passages which come in contact with their creed, though they are precisely like the former, are to be understood figuratively, or must be spiritualized. Take the following examples, which are so similar, that one would suppose that all who believe in one, could not fail to believe the other, and if one were literal the other must be also. Exodus, 14th chapter, 21 and 22 verses: "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided, and the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon dry ground; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left." Isaiah, 11 chapter, 15 and 16 verses: "And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in its seven streams and make men go over dry shod. And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came out of the land of Egypt." What multitudes of would be saints there are, who lay hold of the former of these quotations as one of the strongest proofs of the truth and reality of their religion; but as to the latter one, there is a considerable of squeamishness, they do not know so well about that: that the Red Sea was divided is a matter of no doubt; but that it will ever be so again is rather a doubt; their nerves begin to slacken, the cords of their religion get weaker and weaker, and at last it comes out, Ah! it must be a figurative expression, it has a spiritual and not a literal meaning; for we do not believe there will ever be another Moses: if we admit that the prophet meant what he said, away goes our whole theory together; for doubtless then there must be miracles in the last days, and wonderful ones too. That part of the bible which gives the history of past events it matters not how miraculous it is; if it were a Jonah in the fish's belly, it is to be understood as it says literally; but that part which declares like things to come must be figurative, it must be spiritualized and not understood literally, though the thing to be accomplished,and the thing accomplished, is precisely the same. However this is not the case with all, for some believe that the past and to come, are all to be spiritualized.

We do not recollect of having seen a wholesale spiritualizer among sectarians; but some philosophers of both ancient and modern times come very near to it: If all related of Mr. Hume be correct he had nearly as many "misgivings" about his existence, as the Editor of the Harbinger has about the rules of interpreting prophecy: he appeared to be a wholesale spiritualizer; spiritualizing away his very existence, doubting, no doubt, whether the word existence meant what it said.

We have been told by some of the readers of the "Millenial Harbinger," that Mr. Campbell, some time since in one of the numbers of that paper, in speaking of one of the members of the church of Christ in the last days, said of him, that he had been getting wild for some time before he received the book of mormon: as he believed in the gathering of the ten or lost tribes of Israel. (We relate the substance of this as we heard it, for we have not seen it ourselves, never taking that paper at any time, and only having read occasional numbers of it.) But if Mr. Campbell's observations about him be correct, had he got just as wild as the prophet Isaiah had got before him, and in his wildness he had got into good company; for in the foregoing quotation from Isaiah, that is what the prophet said if he said any thing, that the ten, (or lost tribes as they are called,) should not only be gathered and return, but when they did return the Lord should utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea: and there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, not Babylon. I would ask, Was the Assyrian captivity the captivity of the ten tribes? Yea, the ten tribes surely, and they are the ones before whom the Lord will yet utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and for them there is to be a highway, (that is in the waters, and the very same waters,) as was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Mr. Campbell must have great confidence in the ignorance of his stuped followers, when he dare let such a sentence fall from his pen, particularly when they had the bible in their hands. But no doubt a good number of them are getting pretty well indoctrinated, that is, able to believe any thing their leader tells them, sense or no sense, scripture or not scripture.

There are none of the sects but use the bible in the same way, reformers and nonreformers are all one in this respect; for the bible is too large a pill for any of them to swallow. They can talk about its excellence and its good effects, but pin them down to believe it all, and you will soon find that they have to apply their rules of interpretation. To believe it means what it says, in their estimation is the wildest enthusiasm, and the worst of all impositions. Had Mr. Mc'Corcle been a believer in the bible he would not have entertained the readers of the Harbinger, (or rather insulted them,) with the follies of his gospel heavens, where he supposed the sacred writers had fixed their immaginary sun, and moon, and stars; and then, after he got all their eyes fixed on the earth, stir them up to peep among kings and priests, to see the sun darkened, the moon turn to blood, and the stars of heaven fall. Indeed Mr. Mc'Corcle is indebted to the ignorance of the Editor of the "Harbinger," to get such nonsense laid before the public, and to the stupidity of the patrons of that paper, for not being laughed to scorn!

This whole spiritualizing and interpreting business, originated in unbelief: it was because men did not believe what the bible said, that caused them to spiritualize and interpret its meaning away; some for gain and some for honor. As the so called christian religion became popular, multitudes were induced to unite with the respective churches; and being destitute of the faith of the saints, or of [Jude 1:3] "the faith once delivered to the saints," they could not believe the great things would every be accomplished which the prophets declared should take place; they had recourse to spiritualizing and interpreting, and persuading themselves and others that a great part of the bible did not mean what it said; and that the writers said one thing and meant another. So one pretended reformation followed after another; but all their reformations left the world, in relation to understanding the bible, in the same situation, all had need of spiritualizing. One sect had a part of the bible which they took literally, and another part which they spiritualized: another part spiritualize the part which that sect understood literally, and understand literally what they spiritualized: another part spiritualize the part which that sect understood literally, and understand literally what they spiritualize: and so the world is moving on in darkness and ignorance, about the things for which they are willing to fight, (or many of them at least,) and if any man has courage sufficient to expose their wickedness, he must expect to bear their heaviest censures, and have all the evils heaped on his head that malice can invent.

After a great many reformations, which never bettered the circumstances of the world one particle, as far as religion was concerned, here comes Alexander Campbell and his reformation, which by the by is like all the rest, a mere difference of opinion; not agreeing with other sects in opinion is the whole matter at last, when it is closely scanned; for no sooner is his mind brought to examine the writings of the prophets, than poor man! he has such monstrous "misgivings" about the rules of interpretation that he has concluded to back out and hold his tongue.

There is so great a resemblance between all the religious sects of the day, that one who stands aloof from all of them is astonished why there should be so much strife and contention among them; for all the difference there is between them, consists in form and opinion: as to their approach to the pure religion of the bible, they are all equal distance from it, one being no nearer than the other; and should there be a hundred other just such reformations as the past, still the world would be no better off than it now is--it would have the form of godliness, denying the power thereof. No one of the sects make any nearer approach to the power of godliness than an other, in this respect they are all alike, the degree of the Spirit of God which is among them, (if there is any of it,) is also about equal, depending on the honesty of individuals, and not on the correctness of any of their systems, or the righteousness of any of their teachers; for in this respect they are all alike. View them in what point of light you will, and there is so little to choose, that we know not why there are, or should be any contentions among them; the spirit of persecution seems to be about equally distributed, but in very large shares.

There is not in all christendom, or rather sectariandom, one church whose religious sentiments are such as to admit of their receiving the bible as it is; nor is there one of them founded on an understanding of it: they lay hold of some particular items of it, on which they found their religious theory, and on which they build their churches; but that part of the scripture which unfolds futurity to the mind of the saint of God, and apprizes him of what is coming on the world in unborn time, and which roused the energies of the ancients, and about which they sang their choicest songs, and sounded their sweetest notes, is hid from the eyes of this sectarian generation--the voice of the prophets is not known among them, neither are their visions understood by them: the spirit of inspiration which familiarized eternity to the minds of the fathers of the faithful, they have it not: the faith with which the people of God in olden time held communion with him, and without which it is impossible to please him, by which they had power with God to make a howling wilderness become the house of God, and the gate of heaven, through the exercise of which they wrought righteousness, quenched the violence of fire, stopped the mouths of lions, put to flight the armies of the aliens, women received their dead children to life again, is unknown among them; and still, they are the saints of God, partakers with those men of the grace of life, heirs of the same glory, and sharers of the same crown! What will not come next?

It needs but very little reflection to see the great ignorance of the prevailing sects of the day; yea of all of them, even those who profess the greatest knowledge and are endeavoring to reform the rest: to be sure they promise much, but perform little, yes very little: they are in perfect ignorance of the times, seasons, and purposes of God in his economy with the world. They feel very confident that God will give no more revelations to the world, that he has filled up the full measure of information that he ever intended to give men till time shall end. And yet if they possessed one spark of discernment, they could see that unless God gave them more, it was useless to have given as much as he did; for they do not understand it, neither can they till they get more revelation to help them. Witness the queer position of Mr. Campbell and his Harbinger: he found some things, as he supposed, in the prophecies about the Millenium--he outs with his prospectus, changes his Baptist into Harbinger, informs the public that if he had done so much with the Baptist, when he spent only part of his time, what might be expected from the Harbinger with all his time and attention. So to work he goes, might and main; but with all his wisdom, the prophecies, where the Millenium was to be found if any where, would not open their treasures to his understanding--get into the hang of them he could not: there was something said about the Millenium there, but what it was he could not tell; and at last had to quit like the poor dutchman, who had nearly lost his mother tongue, and had not learned the English correctly: he got up and undertook to preach; but after trying in English a while found it would not do; he then tried it in Dutch; still he could not make it out: at last the poor fellow exclaimed, "pi sure, it is in, put I cannot ket it out." So with Mr. Campbell, there is something in the prophecies about the Millenium, but he cannot get it out.


Sidney Rigdon "Millenium," E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)

[For the Star.]

MILLENIUM. NO. IV. {beliefs-lds}

THE Millenium is that important period in the economy of God, which will put to the test the theories of all ages, and all generations, when God will try the faith of all living, separating between the good and the evil, and enabling all to discern between the righteous and the wicked; between those who serve God and those who serve him not.

There is no period in human existence about which there has been as much said by the prophets and apostles, as the time of Christ's reign, which reign was to last a thousand years; which gave rise to the idea of there every being such a period as the Millenium: which term signifies a thousand years. John the Revelator, gives us the following account of it in the 20th chapter of the Revelations, from the 1st to the 9th verse:--And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them,and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were fulfilled. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who hath part in the first resurrection; on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

In this connection, verse 1 we are told, that an angel come down from heaven: verse 2 and laid hold on the Devil and bound him a thousand years, and that during that thousand years he should have no power to deceive the nations, verse 3rd; and in verse 4 that during that period the saints reigned with Christ; and verse 5, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were up. Again verse 6, they who had part in the first resurrection shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Christ a thousand years; verse 7, and when the thousand years are expired, Satan is to be loosed for a little season; verse 8, and he shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth: which proves this fact, at last, that all this is to take place on the earth; that it is on the earth where the saints are to reign with Christ a thousand years. Verse 9, and they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints: so there can be no doubt as to the fact, that this thousand years is to transpire while the saints are on the earth, and their camp is to be invaded after the thousand years are expired, and all this on the earth.

The sacred writers have been exceedingly prolific in their writings on the subject of Christ's reign: it is every where spoken of and set forth in the most splendid light and that, when that time comes, the saints, yea, all of them, should reign with him. That this reign of Christ is to be an earthly reign, is not only evident from the before mentioned prophecies, but we have a saying of Paul in the 15th chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians, which limits it to the earth: see the 22, 23 and 24, verses: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterwards they that are Christ's at his coming.--Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and all power. Verse 28; and when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. Here the apostle says, that when all that died in Adam shall have been made alive in Christ, then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father. In verse 28 we are told, that he himself shall be subject to the Father, when all things are put under his feet. After this time there can be no such thing as a reign of Christ distinctly, or separately, and of necessity, Christ's reign must be before this time: and if so, it must be in time; and if in time, it must be on the earth; for it would be curious indeed for Christ to reign a thousand years in eternity, where there are neither days, months, nor years! Another thing of importance to be remarked, in the sayings of the apostle above quoted, is that it is only the saints who were dead that were to reign with Christ a thousand years. [Rev. 20:4-5] "And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark in their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." But the rest of the dead lived not again till the thousand years were finished. That is, the rest of the dead were not raised till the thousand years were finished; and those saints who were raised to reign with Christ the thousand years, constituted the first resurrection. [Rev. 20:5] "This is the first resurrection."

The apostle seems to have understood himself perfectly when he wrote this 20th chapter of his Revelations, and set forth his ideas so clearly, that none need mistake him.--He says that Christ is to reign a thousand years; (and the very expression, a thousand years, shows that this reign belonged to the earth, and time; for it is only in time where there are days, and times, and seasons, and years: the unseen world and eternity, have no such divisions;) that the saints were to be raised and reign this thousand years with him, and this resurrection of the saints to reign with Christ, was the first resurrection. That in this thousand years, Satan was to be bound, so as not to be able to deceive the nations--and during this thousand years the saints on earth were to spread abroad in the four quarters thereof: yet it is not said that they shall reign with Christ a thousand years; but on the contrary, those who are raised from the dead.

In the 5th chapter of the Revelations from the 8th to the 11th verse, we have the same subject set forth: he says, thus, And when he had taken the book, the four beasts, and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Here we are told that those who were redeemed unto God out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation, were to reign on the earth: If the question is asked, how long they should reign on the earth? the answer is, a thousand years, or Millenium; so that this important period does not only effect those in time, but those in eternity also.

If John's account of this subject be correct, all the saints which were redeemed unto God out of every nation, people, tongue and kindred, (and if so they must be from all generations, from the days of righteous Abel down to the second coming of Christ, or else they will not be from every people, and nation,) are to reign on the earth with Christ a thousand years: and this glory they are to obtain through their having part in the first resurrection.

In the first chapter of the Revelations, and 7th verse, John describes the coming of the Savior thus, when he comes to reign on the earth a thousand years: "Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

In all that John has said about the coming of the Savior, he has never told us of any other object he had in coming, but to reign on earth a thousand years; for where he has mentioned the object, this he says is what it is; so that we are not left to conjecture as to the object of the Savior's coming; for the very same scriptures which tell us of his coming again, tell us also, that when he comes, he will reign on the earth a thousand years, and all those of the first resurrection with him. The matter is fairly settled, that if ever the Savior comes again, he will reign on the earth a thousand years, and all the church of the first born whose names are written in heaven, will at that time obtain a resurrection and reign with him; even all who are redeemed from among men, of every tongue, kindred, people, and nation--and if the Savior does not reign on earth a thousand years, and all the raised saints with him, he never will come the second time.

Let us now sum up what John has said in the Revelations on this subject:

1. He has said that Christ is coming, when every eye shall see him. This could not have been his first coming, for very few eyes saw him at his first coming, much less all.

2. That when he comes, he will come with, or in the clouds: this he did not at his first coming.

3. That when he comes with clouds, they who pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

4. That all the satins which are redeemed from among men, of all tongues, kindreds, people, and nations, are to be raised from the dead, and those who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and are all to reign with Christ on the earth a thousand years at his coming.

5. That the rest of the dead are not to be raised, or live again, till the thousand years are ended.

6. That during this thousand years, Satan is to be bound so as not to be able to decieve the nations; and it necessarily follows, that all the people who are on the earth during this period, will be saints.

7. That the saints are to become very numerous, and cover the breadth of the earth.

8. And at the end of the thousand years, Satan is to be loosed for a little season, to gather together Gog, and Magog, to battle, and they are to come up on the breadth of the earth,and surround the camp of saints, and fire is to come down from God out of heaven and devour them.

This is what John says, let him mean what he will; and if we are at liberty to believe what he says, the subject is so plain that he that runs may read and understand.

Let it here be observed, that when any of the latter day saints speak of living and reigning with Christ a thousand years, they do not mean by this, that they are to live a thousand years in the flesh; (as some have slanderously reported that they affirm; among whom the wise M. S. C. of Mentor, is principal;) but that they believe, that they shall be raised with the first resurrection, and reign with all the satins, to reign on earth a thousand years, according to the testimony of all the holy prophets since the world began. And he who does not expect this, must expect to be cast down to hell, to suffer a thousand years with the rest of the dead who are not to be raised until the thousand years are ended.

Such is the point of light in which John, the apostle, sets forth this subject: and such the prospects he set before the saints of God in his day; and this is the expectation he raised in them, that though they should have to suffer their entire three score years and ten in the flesh, yet to rejoice; for when the Lord come, they should reign on this same earth a thousand years, as a reward for their sufferings.

Having ascertained the substance of what John says in the Revelations on the subject of the second coming of Christ, and having seen the object for which he is coming, we shall see what the other sacred writers have said about it; knowing this first, that as John wrote by the spirit of inspiration, all others who have written by the same spirit, will write in accordance with him; for as they all understood this subject by the spirit of God, they must all have seen it alike, and understood it alike: this made me the more particularly examining what John had said on the subject of Christ's second coming; for having got the mind of the spirit which was in John, I have got it as it was in all others who wrote, or understood by the same spirit. Another reason why I was the more particular in collecting together the substance of what John said was,that once having the whole subject before our minds, it would enable us to understand those writers the better, who had not written so fully on this subject as he had; for in our examination of the bible, we have not found any other of the inspired writers who have developed the whole subject as extensive as he has. I do not consider it necessary, however, among believers in the divine authenticity of the bible, to multiply testimony to prove that what John has said is true, nor do I expect that believers in the bible will require this at my hands; for one inspired man having said so once,settles the truth of the question forever, among those who believe that the person was inspired of God when he spake. So that I consider, that the truth of the second coming of Christ to reign on the earth a thousand years with all the saints of Adam's race, who at that time shall obtain a resurrection from the dead, or who have previously obtained a resurrection, or a translation, is as firmly fixed, as the truth of the bible; for should any man undertake to prove, hereafter, that such a marvelous occurrence will never take place, what would he do? why; he will prove that John had not told the truth! and should he, through some management make it appear that other of the writers have taught differently, he would only prove that the bible contradicted itself, and render the whole system void together: So it will come to this at last, that as John the Revelator has said, that christ is coming the second time to reign on the earth a thousand years, with all the saints, that the second coming of Christ to reign on earth a thousand years, with all the raised saints, is as true as the bible.

I make these observations, that my readers may not suppose that I appeal to the other prophets and apostles to prove what John said, to be true: but to see how all the writers in the bible who have written on this subject, have seen eye to eye as far as they have said any thing upon it. Indeed, if we credit what John has said, we would necessarily expect to find that the other writers also would make some mention of a subject, in which they, together, with all the saints had so deep an interest, that they would not pass in silence a theme which must have laid so near their hearts, as that of their triumph and reward; as the first of their glory, after their resurrection, was to reign on earth with him, for whom they suffered the loss of all things; which hope enabled them to endure affliction without murmuring. It was this hope which made Abraham call himself a stranger and pilgrim on the earth. Paul said concerning this promise, "Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come.--For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews. Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?" See Acts, 26 chapter, 7 and 8 verses. Surely, Paul would not have us understand, that the twelve tribes served God day and night simply that they might obtain a resurrection from the dead, for he well knew, that there was to be a resurrection of the unjust as well as the just; and they would get a resurrection from the dead, whether they served God or not; but the promise which they all desired to obtain was, that of reigning with the Messiah on the earth a thousand years.

The hope of obtaing the resurrection of the just, or the first resurrection was the great reason why the ancient saints took cheerfully the spoiling of their goods; for on such the second death were to have no power. Paul, in the 1st chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, and 10 verse says, "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him." This apostle surely understood, that there was to be a dispensation of gathering together, not only the things on earth, (as the Lord has now commenced to do,) but in that dispensation, the things which are in Christ Jesus, which were in heaven, should be also gathered together with the things on earth. If it should be asked, when would the things which are in Christ Jesus, on earth, and in heaven, be gathered together? the answer is at hand,when Christ comes in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory and all the saints with him, to reign on earth a thousand years. And the apostle in the above quotation says, that God had a dispensation, which dispensation, he would do this maraculous thing. So we see that the apostle knew, that there was to be another dispensation to be ushered in, in the last days, under which dispensation of the gathering, God was to do his greatest work.

This important period, which is of all others the most marvelous in human existence, has found a place, either directly, or indirectly, in the writings of a majority of the sacred writers. Both prophets and apostles, in addition to the direct notice which they have taken of it, there are many beautiful allusions to it, such as is found in 104th Psalm, 3 and 4 verses, which reads thus, "Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh on the wings of the wind: who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:" Or, as some have translated it, "who makes winds his messengers, and flaming fire his ministers." Here the allusion is doubtless to his coming in the clouds of heaven, being revealed in fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel. But not only these beautiful allusions, but the direct references are numerous: some of these from the Savior himself, others from the prophets and apostles. The prophet Isaiah says, in speaking of the glory of the last days, 35th chapter, [Isa. 35:1-4] "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God. Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them who are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear, not: Behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you." Any person who will read this chapter through with care, will see that the coming of the God of Israel, or of their Messiah, here spoken of, has not yet taken place, nor will it be fulfilled till Christ comes in the clouds of heaven to reign on the earth. In Daniel, 7 chapter, 13 and 14th verses, the prophet speaks of a night vision, in which he says, "I saw in the night vision, and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom, that which shall not be destroyed." Here the prophet says, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven; at which time he is to get the kingdom before described: this is to take place when he comes to reign on the earth a thousand years; for until this time there has not a kingdom been given unto the Son of man, on earth, in which all people, and nations, and tongues, have served him; nor will he have such an one, till the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God, and his Christ. It is said in the second chapter of Daniel's prophecy, and the 44th verse, "And in the days of these kings, shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." Surely this kingdom has never been set up until now; for that kingdom which was established among the Gentiles in the days of the ancient apostles, has been defaced, corrupted, and broken up, till there has not been one society left on the original platform laid down by the apostles; but all have been broken to pieces--nor can it ever break in pieces and destroy all the kingdoms of the world; but on the contrary, the kingdoms of the world have broken it. But from what Daniel saw in his night vision, as before mentioned, the Son of man, when he came to the Ancient of days, recieved a dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, and nations, and tongues, should serve him. This is doubtless the kingdom which God was to set up in the days of the kings there mentioned, not the Roman Cesars as some have supposed, but a race of kings which should arise after the Roman Empire was divided into toes: some were to be strong, and some weak; some iron, and some clay. Here it is plain, that none need mistake, that is, that the Son of man, or Savior of the world, when he came with the clouds, or in the clouds, was to receive dominion, glory, and a kingdom, in which all people were to serve him of every nation, and tongue, and this kingdom which he was to receive at that time, was to be set up, while the kings which arose after the downfall of the Roman Empire, or after this great kingdom was divided, should yet be swaying their scepters; but this was not the kingdom which was taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. See Matthew 21st chapter, 43rd verse.--"Therefore, say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you,and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." But a kingdom set up for that express purpose, and doubtless in the last days, preparatory to Christ's coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and all the saints with him to reign with them on earth a thousand years, when all people, nations, tongues, and kindreds, on earth or in the flesh shall serve him; not reign with him. TO BE CONTINUED.



Oliver Cowdery "Prophecy of Zephaniah," E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)


(Concluded from our last.)

AS before remarked, the prophets of Israel seldom closed their predictions, or left the subject of Jacob's dispersion, without speaking expressly of his return. After following him into captivity, they watch the time of his deliverance, and after seeing him scattered to the four winds and driven to the islands of the seas, they observe the time when light shall reflect upon him in this state of darkness, when the Son of righteousness shall rise upon him and lift up a glorious ray of hope, when the islands shall wait for his law. By Jacob we mean the literal descendants of that individual who wrestled with the angel of God and obtained a blessing; and by his return we mean the return of his children to that land which was promised to Abraham and his seed for an everlasting possession. To suppose that this people are to be converted to the true Messiah and then remain scattered over the face of the whole earth, or as they are now, particularly the remnants of Judah, among all nations, is one of the strange ideas of this generation, and may be ranked among the foremost inconsistencies peculiar to this age. Whether former ages inherited this opinion and were so astonishingly ignorant, or whether this is a new system framed entirely by this generation, does not matter with us, since it is an incontrovertible fact, that such an item is not to be found in the word of God: The very expression made by the Savior to his apostles before his crusifixion, when declaring that the Jews should be scattered, leaves the matter beyond dispute with every man who has one spark of common intellect uninfluenced by tradition or the precepts of men, that their seed are yet to be brought back and inherit that land. [See Luke 21:24] Jerusalem, said he, shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.--The first has certainly been fulfilled, that is, the Jews have been led captive into all nations, and Jerusalem has been trodden down of the Gentiles; but when the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled, with propriety we may conclude the following notable prophecy of Zechariah will be brought to pass where he says: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of JUDAH joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, it shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities: and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts, in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, in those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you; for we have heard that God is with you. [See Zechariah 8:19-23]

Having noticed the principal part of Zephaniah's sayings, having followed him in his chastisements upon Judah in the days of prosperity and peace, which have been literally fulfilled to the uttermost, according to the strictest minuteness of language, and having said sufficient, perhaps, upon the situation and circumstances of the surrounding nations, we come to that period in his vision which has always been of so deep interest to the ancient prophets of the house of Israel, that is, the time when one undisturbed peace is to cover the earth, when the righteous are to possess it, and Israel, after ages spent in captivity, is to come forth triumphant from all parts of the earth wherever he has been driven, and enjoy the blessings of heaven under Messiah's reign. Language seems to have been insufficient to express their view of this glorious era. It is not astonishing in the least that they should pass by the small things when once brought by the vision of God to see and comprehend in full, by the Spirit, the glory and beauty of that long looked for hour. Each has expressed it, (as far as his language would permit,) seemingly in his own language, and noted the wonders of that day in words peculiar to himself. One has represented the lion and the ox harmlessly feeding upon the same food; the cow and the bear grazing the plain in quietness, and their young ones lying down in peace together, while the little child leads the young lion and the fatling, and the infant lays his innocent hand upon the serpent's den, who is equally as innocent. No power but that which comes from God alone can produce an order of things of this description, and no child of Adam's numerous remnants will be permitted to enjoy it except those who are the lawful heirs of that kingdom.--Rapt in the vision of the Almighty, and transported with the thought of the Savior's reign on earth, Zephaniah breaks forth in these emphatic words: [Zeph. 3:14] Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

Take the following part of this prophecy with those sayings, and all doubts must be removed from the mind of the individual who believes the bible, relative to the return of Israel in the last days, and the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness and peace, where the pure in heart only will be permitted to dwell. We may here understand, that this peculiar blessing is promised to Israel, not to the Gentiles as a people except they repent; for Paul says, Romans 11, that when the fulness of the Gentiles be come in, then all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, [Rom. 11:26] There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. It is not said that all the Gentiles shall be saved; it is only their fulness. So, then, after all their bustle, when their fulness has come in, notwithstanding their great boast of religion and reformation, then, all Israel will be saved; for the kingdom of God will be transferred to the house of Jacob, and all who are numbered with them will be those who have obeyed the everlasting gospel, (not sectarianism,) and at that time this saying of the prophet will be realized by the seed of Abraham: The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the King of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more. When has the Lord dwelt with the seed of Abraham? Has this an allusion to the time when he brought them out of Egypt, when the angel of his presence went up in the midst of their camp? If so, why have they seen evil since? for at this time they are to see evil no more. When the angel declared to Mary the near approach of the Messiah, he says, [Luke 1:33] And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and unless he does reign over the house of Jacob according to this promise, the testimony of Luke must fail. But the prophet proceeds and says, [Zeph. 3:16] In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thy hands be slack. In what day were these declarations to be repeated in the ears of the Lord's people? When he reigns in the midst of them, and casts out their enemies before them. Many suppose that this reign, mentioned by the prophets and apostles is to be when all the sects are untied, and all the world converted to their systems; that then is the time when peace will cover the earth, and satan be bound, or confined in his own place, and deceive the nations no more for a long season; but as to this fact, that Christ is to come down upon this earth and reign in person with, or in the midst of his people, they consider to be a wicked principle, and an unscriptural idea: for, say they, he has ascended up out of sight, [and they might as well say out of hearing, for they do not believe that he will answer any of them when they call on him,] and will no more be seen until he comes in the clouds of heaven to judge the earth; and as for meracles they are done away, and God will never cause any more to be performed while the earth remains or the world stands. It is not to be wondered at, that they should deny the second coming of the Messiah, when he is to reign in the midst and over the house of Israel, when their system is once looked at; for they are to have a union of sects, which is to compose, constitute, or commence their millenium. Let us look at it a moment: Here are the Baptists, who say they are the people of God, were elected from all eternity to be saved, and saved they are to be, and saved they must be, because it was foreordained that they should be; and should their children be called out of this world before they are old enough to repent and be baptized, they are lost eternally; and should they live, repent they could not unless God made them do it; for unless this were the case, in putting up one petition to him in the name of Jesus, they would commit sin sufficient to damn a thousand worlds; and if they were not elected to be saved, damned they are already, and damned they must be; and come into the kingdom of God they cannot, because he does not bring them in; and he does not bring them in because he foreordained from all eternity that they should be damned; for he made them to be vessels of wrath that they might be fitted for destruction! It could not be supposed that a people of this description could have any desire that the Lord should come down among them, or even look upon their works. The Presbyterians are about as inconsistant; and the Methodist cannot be blamed, if they believe their creed, because they pretend to worship a God who has neither "body or parts," and if they should get him to come down among them, he could not be seen, for there would be nothing to be seen. We suppose that they must think that he has lost himself since his ascension into heaven; for the apostles saw him go up and a cloud receive him out of their sight, and the angels standing by, said, [Acts 1:11] Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. What a wonderful reign of the Messiah it will be if their systems are correct, and how peaceably the house of Israel must dwell upon their promised land; for the Baptists would say, that the house of Israel must all become Baptists, or they cannot be saved; the Presbyterians would say, Presbyterians; the Methodists would say, Methodists, and the Roman Catholics would say, Roman Catholics, or they would never get out of pergatory; for they are each engaged in trying to convert them by sending missionaries among them, and if they do not believe that they will be lost unless they are converted to each of their respective systems, why are they endeavoring to covert them? But one thing as inconsistant as any part of it is, that all this is to be done without a miracle, the Catholics excepted: For say they, God ceased a long time since to work by miracles; and yet Satan is to be bound, and confined in his own place a thousand years, and all the earth is to enjoy peace. What a doleful millenium! We suppose that the poor "mormons," as they are reproachfully called, and a few other of the weaker sects, are to have the sword and fagot applied to them for their portion, so that the world may not be disturbed with herisy. Give either party before named the power, and the desolating hand of extermination would teach the others, that if they professed contrary to the party in power it would be at the expense of life! And what would be the consequence were they all united? Look at it reader, one moment! No marvel that they do not believe that Christ is to reign on the earth in person, in the midst of such ridiculous confusion; and no marvel that a generation who deny his power, should also deny his personal reign on earth; for those only who look for him will he appear unto without sin unto salvation, when the wicked are to be consumed with his brightness when he comes with his holy angels.

See the difference--the sects say, that the Savior is not to come in person to reign over, or dwell with Israel; but the prophet says, [Zeph. 3:17-18] The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty, he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden. Can it be a marvelous thing, that the scattered remnants of the house of Jacob, should still persist in the belief that they are yet to be gathered, and live under the immediate reign of the Messiah? They look for a kingdom of far greater extent, and a beauty and glory, surpassing that of David's, or Solomon's, beyond all description: and with all propriety they may; for they are to be free from all bondage, and possess the promised land in peace forever. And if the prophets in the name of the Lord, have promised them any thing which they are to receive in the last days, they have promised them this; and though they have often been deceived by false Christs, in their eagerness to have the time roll on, yet it is coming, and the period will soon arrive when the Gentiles will carry them upon camels, dromedaries, and swift beasts; upon litters, in their arms, and even upon their shoulders; and this saying of the prophet will be fulfilled in its strictest sense, and be realized in its fullest joy: [Zeph. 3:19] Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame. On the subject of the gathering of the house of Israel, rests the matter relative to the latter day glory of the church of Christ, and the veracity of those writers called prophets and apostles; for if the house of Israel is not gathered, there will be no millenium; and if the seed of Jacob does not possess the land of Palestine in peace in the last days, down must come the bible, and down must come the system of the religion of Christ forever; for the writers of it have testified that this should be the case, if they have spoken any thing. And here was the mistake of the Jews: They overlooked the first coming of the Messiah, and fixed their minds upon the time when they were to be established before him in the promised rest, and be protected by his power, because the prophets said more upon the subject of his second coming, than they did of his first. Where the prophet said that, [Micah 5:2] Out of Beth-lehem Ephratah shall he come forth unto me that is to be Ruler in Israel, they looked to see him come down upon the mount of Olive, and divide it by his mighty power; and where the prophet said that he should come riding upon an ass, they looked for him to come as Enoch said, with ten thousand of his saints, taking vengeance upon all the wicked. But still they look, still they wait; and when that anxious hour arrives, when God shall say to the north, Give up! and to the south, Keep not back! bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth, then the fact will be ascertained, and the test will be tried, whether he is yet able to work wonders upon earth, and exert his power to meracles. And after all, the prophet Zephaniah closes his important sayings upon this sublime subject, and leaves his writings to speak for themselves in the ears of future generations, either by their fulfillment to prove their divine authenticity, or by their failure to sink into contempt and perish in oblivion. After viewing his people cast out before their enemies, afflicted, scattered, and driven, he follows them to their triumphant return, and lays down his pen, by closing his sayings with these important words, which must relate to the time when they are to be gathered for the last time to their inheritance, no more to be dispossessed: [Zeph. 3:20] At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord. Thus closed, though short, one of the important prophecies contained in the book of inspiration, and its writer has long since gone the way of his fathers, to wait the period in the economy of heaven, when he will be called forth with them to enjoy in full, what he then saw in part; and to partake of those joys which are held in reserve for the ancient saints, when the Lord Jesus Christ shall appear, even when he shall come in his might to reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously. On reading his prophecy, one is incapable, at first, to realize the fact, that he lived more than two thousand, four hundred, and fifty years ago; for though his body long since crumbled to dust, there is a Spirit, (not of fanaticism,) accompanying his predictions, which brings him immediately before the mind, and one would almost fancy himself upon the mountains of Judea, gazing down with admiration upon its inhabitants, surrounded with the blessings of heaven, and protected by the arm of the Lord under the righteous reign of Josiah; or follow the prophet in his vision, and see them scattered to the four winds and driven to the utmost corners of the earth, hiding in the mountains, in the dens, and in the holes of the rocks, to await the time when God should say, come forth! and then with him witness their happy situation, redeemed from all their sins, and cleansed from all their pollutions, and under the Savior's immediate reign and notice, see them enjoying that long looked for peace which was never to be taken from them. When the Lord himself is to gather them out of all countries where he has previously driven them, in his anger, and in his fury, and in his great wrath; when he shall bring them again to their own land, and cause them to dwell safely; when they are to be his people, and he their God. At that time he is to give them one heart and one way, that they may fear him forever, for their good, and for the good of their children after them, by making an everlasting covenant with them to do them good, and by putting his fear in their hearts that they shall never turn from him. And though, as before said, his body has been laid in the grave of his fathers, and that land remained desolate for ages, we can anticipate the period when he will enjoy all these promises with his people, and even in his flesh see his God on the earth. Who would not gladly and joyfully exchange a vain and weak system of no glory, of no beauty; of no comeliness, or consistency, for a part with those who are to enjoy these privileges? And who would not say, Let your people be my people, your joy be my joy, your portion be my portion, and your God be my God?

[Editor of the Star.]

Oliver Cowdery E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)

Considerable excitement having prevailed among some of our citizens, of late, in this part of the country, respecting the case in law against Doctor. P. [Philastus] Hurlbut, for a breach of the peace, in threatening the life of brother JOSEPH SMITH JR. and a number of those who doubtless desired that Hurlbut might escape justice, (some whose oaths were sufficient evidence of the feelings of their hearts,) indulged themselves in conjectures, and rumors, raising and spreading them to their own shame, or at least, to the shame of every good citizen who has the smallest regard for truth and righteousness, or peace and harmony in society; and by these means, created considerable feelings on the subject, as far as their influence could extend; trying to excite unfavorable impressions against bro. [Joseph Smith] S. by every foolish report that ignorance could believe, or malice could invent. However, their exertions were in vain; for with all the feelings that they could awaken, (and no exertion was wanting to gain a favorite object,) they could not screan Hurlbut from the punishment due his crime: the evidence was so positive, notwithstanding the great exertion to invalidate the testimony on the part of the State, that they failed in every attempt to save him from the force of the law; and the Court, after a patient hearing of all the witnesses, has holden Hurlbut to bail under bonds of two hundred dollars for his good behavior. This is as it should be--all idlers who seek to obtain a support from the public, by threatening the lives, and assailing the characters of innocent men, ought to be brought to justice, or be exposed to the view of all, and this may be a proof to such as are disposed, unrighteously, to trample on the rights and privileges of others, that the law in Geauga County, has lost none of its nerves, neither have the Administrators of justice lost their virtue.

It has been really amusing to hear the (would be) ruling ones, spending their opinion on this case, between the time of examination before the Justice's court in Painsville, in January, last, and the trial at the county Court, to which Hurlbut was recognized to appear. One would have supposed, that all the abetters of this fellow were lawyers and judges--they had the case tried and decided a multitude of times in the way they wished it to be. A very grave judge to the west of this, of the THEE, and THOU, Order, in the greatness of his wisdom and righteousness, embraced every favorable opportunity to impress the public mind, as we were informed as far as his influence would extend, that the Justice's court, held in Painsville, only bound Hurlbut over to the County Court, that the lawyers might have a fair opportunity of rediculing, and scandalizing, Jo. Smith, as he was pleased to call him. This was doubtless the desire of his own heart, otherwise, he would not have charged the Justices in Painsville with disregarding their oaths so far, as to bind an innocent man over to the court of his country, for trial, for such base purposes. Such have been the moral feelings of some of the religious law characters in our contry: persons who are so holy, that they would, (if it were in their power,) lock the kingdom of heaven from such as might, in the time of an invasion of their country, grasp their muskets in her defense, but for some religious principle, which might not agree with their creed, suffer their animosity to rise a degree sufficient to encourage night-mobs, and the threatening of lives. We have reason to hope, however, that their numbers are few in this region.

It is proper that the public should be informed, that this Doctor P. [Philastus] Hurlbut, who has gained so much celebrity of late through our country, (we mean at a distance,) in consequence of his engagements to expose the secrets of "mormonism," as some of our neighbors are pleased to style our faith, is not a physician, as some have supposed who are unacquainted with him; but, as he says, was called Doctor, by his parents, for the reason that he is a seventh son. We have been favored with notices from abroad, that "mormonism," was about to be exposed by this celebrated Doctor, who had learned that the book of mormon "was written some thirty years since, by a respectable clergyman," in this state, "now deceased. It was designed to be published as a romance." This valuable information, it is said, has been obtained by this eminent (would be called) Doctor, from the widow of this celebrated clergyman. We think a preacher of the gospel must be highly "celebrated," to lay aside the calling of God to declare the gospel of salvation to men, to write "Tales." But this valuable information, it is said, was obtained by this celebrated (would be called) Doctor, from the widow of this celebrated clergyman. In another paper it is said to be a "rhapsody." What will it be next? We are of the opinion, that when this (would be) celebrated committee, residing in our country, and has given a few more expositions, and changed the title of his discoveries a few times more, that our friends, at least, such as will see, will be as willing that this (would be) celebrated Doctor, should labor honestly with his own hands for his support, as to gull their hard-earned money from them to ride over our country in stages in the character of a celebrated Doctor, to threaten the lives of peaceable inhabitants, when he discovers that his purposes are sure to fail. We have not, till now, thought this man worthy a notice in our paper, neither would he at this time been noticed by us were it not to undeceive those at a distance who are unacquainted with him and may be deceived in consequence of the above mentioned title, of Doctor. It is but just, that we should say, with regard to those individuals whose names are going the rounds in the public prints, as a committee, who have employed this Hurlbut to expose, the "Origin of the book of mormon," that as citizens, and neighbors, they will be as forward to expose his character, and hold him up to the view of community, in the true light which his crimes merit, as they were first to employ him, and employ a more respectable agent, if they are calculating on success when they engage with the religion and characters of their neighbors. We care not what he, or they preach or publish: we are in no fear that he will overturn the truth: but let him conduct himself in a lawful manner, and hold in a proper estimation the lives, if not the characters of his fellowmen, and he is welcome to all the success which his ignorance or wisdom can gain.--[Editor of the Star.]

WE were informed, just as our paper was going to press, that Mr. [Alexander] CAMPBELL, of the "Millenial Harbinger," had, contrary to the assertions, and assurences of the ruling ones among his followers in Mentor, condescended to notice as "little a thing" as the Star, or the principles it advocates. Whether the blaze of "Millenial" glory has completely put it out, (in his estimation,) we are not able to say, as he has not, in the abundance of his condescension, favored us with a number. Perhaps he has some "misgivings" relative to that part of the subject, but when he has properly adjusted the matter, he may favor us with one. We have, till our last, (which contained nothing on the Millenium,) sent regularly to the "Harbinger," for Exchange but have received none. If Mr. Campbell thinks it too heavy a draft on his purse, as his paper is $2 per ann. and ours one, if he will acquaint us of the fact, we will send him the difference. The Millenium being a subject in which we are so deeply interested, we cannot but have a desire to pay our respects to its "Harbinger" occasionally, and give it a passing notice while it is "going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it." We therefore invite it to pay us a visit, and we will reciprocate its kindness, since it has condescended to notice us!! and we are willing to pay it for its trouble.

If Mr. Campbell really desires, he is at perfect liberty to tray any item of our faith which he may think himself competent to disprove, and we will meet him honorably; but let him do it manfully: until then, we shall notice him or not, as we may deem proper, not considering ourselves bound to answer any thing he may say, at least, till he acts the part of a gentleman enough to forward us his articles. In a former attack upon some of the members of the church of the latter day saints, Mr. Campbell acted so unworthy the character of a man, (not to say a servant of Christ, and a reformer,) as to render his effort entirely unworthy our notice, were it not to exhibit it a future day, to show the spirit of this (would be called) great reformer. We shall hold it in reserve,as Mr. Campbells' looking glass, to keep in remembrance the true spirit of his reformation; for to whom could the public look to assertain this fact, better than to Mr. Campbell himself? surely to none.

When ever Mr. Campbell has a disposition to complain of the abuse of others, let him re-examine one of his Harbingers, Extra, and it will no doubt calm his feelings, and enable him to persue his calling, thankful, that the worst of his enemies are no worse than himself. As he is the reformer of the last days, and the one who is to introduce the Millenium, if he will examine he may easily discover, that the worst of his enemies are about as well reformed as himself, and of course, are as well prepared for the Millenium. He has only to get the opinions of the world a little altered, and his Millenium will be here--so his work is nearly done, and he can soon go to rest. It is well know, that Mr. Campbell made an unwarrantable attack upon the characters of some of the members of this church in its infancy, when they had no source to refute the charges, only by oral investigation; but that day has gone by, and though we have had the misfortune to lose one printing establishment by the lawless acts of a mob, heated up to desperation by a set of professed religionists, we are yet, notwithstanding that, in the providence of God, prepared to mete to him such as he may be disposed to measure to us, asking no favors, under that consideration, other than he feels willing to bestow!--[Editor of the Star.]

THE "Gospel Banner, and Herald of christian Union," is a small paper printed at Buffalo, N. Y. We conclude from its title and contents, that the Editor is expecting, (or at least, endeavoring,) to unite the different sects professing the religion of Christ; but we are inclined to think, that when this is effected, creed makers and creed preachers, will first lose their relish for the craft and honor of this world. As there is a differance between professing and possessing, the Editor will please inform us on what principle he would have the sects unite, and what men must do to be saved? He says, that the law mentioned by Malachi 4 and 4, is to be found "about the 20th chapter of Exodus, &c." But he will recollect, that, that law was given from Sinai, and that Horeb and Sinai, are two mountains. He also says, that "the prophet was not speaking any more of the book of mormon, than he was of the Alcoran!" From what source the Editor of the "Banner could have conjured out the idea, that believers in the book of mormon contended that Malachi, in his fourth chapter had any reference to it, we are not able to say; but presume, that notwithstanding his "careful view of the book of mormon," his mind was either bewildered, or clouded with prejudice, as no one pretends that Moses had any hand in writing it; but from its contents it shows to have been written upon this continent by the progenitors of its aborigines. He says, "The book of mormon," may be called a religion `coming up out of the earth.' Rev. 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." In what shape the "Banner" would have us understand that the religion contained, or advocated in the book of mormon, represents this saying of John is unknown to us, as we are entirely unacquainted with his rule of interpreting scripture. Perhaps God has revealed to him that John really meant the book of mormon, in this saying, if he has, may we be informed of it. For us to say, that a book represents a beast with two horns, is advancing a stretch into the system of spiritualizing, beyond any thing we have yet attained to.--[Editor of the Star.]

THE following is taken from the (Philadelphia) "SATURDAY COURIER" of April 19. Some two or three years since, a similar story was hatched up by (we presume) the priests, or their dupes; but we had supposed, that it had either gone back to its native region to dwell with its author the father of lies, or like its first promulgator from him, sunk into disgrace to rise no more. But in this we were mistaken--there are yet men to be found who are willing to exert every possible power to circulate, not only circulate, but frame falsehoods of every description and enormity, that has not a parallel in the annals of the world since the creation, and such as any man of common sense would know, from the face of them, were impositions; these are carried to the four winds & peddled out by wholesale by those who profess to cultivate the science and morals of mankind, and are swallowed by the greedy multitude, who are led haltered by tradition and priestcraft, by such as pretend to proclaim righteousness!

"TRAGICAL EVENT.--The following tragical story of a Mormon preacher is given by the editor of the Independent Messenger on the authority of a gentleman from the western part of the state of New York. We shall expect to see it authenticated by the western papers if it be true."

"In a town where the delusion had made numerons converts the disciples were summoned to assemble in a wild place, circumjacent to a pond, on the water of which, a gifted elder announced that he should walk and preach. The believers notified their doubting friends, and great things were anticipated. But it seems there were a few wicked Lamanites, who secretly set themselves to make mischief. Choosing their opportunity, just before the appointed day of miracles, they ascertained, by means of a raft, that the pond to be traversed was extremely shallow; a thin sheet of water covering a common swamp mire.--This mire was found to be of a consistency nearly strong enough, except within a small central space, to sustain the weight of a man. They soon discovered a line of plank laid in a particular direction completely across the pond, sunk about four inches under the surface of the water. These were so fastened down, and locked together, and so daubed with mud, as to be quite imperceptible from the neighboring declivities. They resolved on preventing the miracle by sawing the concealed bridge in pieces, just where it crossed the deepest and most dangerous part of the pond. This was done, and left seemingly as they found it.

"The expected day arrived, the congregation placed themselves as in an amphitheatre on the surrounding slopes and the preacher appeared at the edge of the water. Presently he raised his stentorian voice and as he paced his invisible bridge with a step apparent unearthly taught and warned the people. All ears were open, and every eye strained from its socket with astonishment. But alas! just as the miracle-worker seemed to have wrought conviction of his divine power in the wondering hearts of the multitude, lo! he stepped upon one of the detached pieces of plank sallied side-ways, and instantly plunged, floundering and sinking in the deep water mire: mingling shrieks, screams and shouts of the spectators, all in a rush of commotion were appalling. The scene was indescribable. Even those who had spoiled the miracle, were filled with horror when they actually saw the unfortunate impostor disappear. They had not dreamed that their trick would cost him more than the fright, discomfort and disgrace of being submersed and afterwards struggling a shore; all along taking it for granted that his plank would enable him to swim, however it might treacherously fail him to walk. But the tale closes with the close of his life and the consequent close of Mormonism in that vicinity.--He sunk, and long before the confounded assembly were in a condition to afford him relief, perished, a victim to his imposture."

We do not expect to make this fool-figured article appear any more ridiculous in the minds of discerning individuals, than it really is; but it is just, that such as pretend to correct the morals and improve the condition of the public with stated periodicles, should be inforned of their ignorance for giving publicity to a tale when, with a thimble full of brains, they might know, that it was not only foolish, but false. Firstly, it says, "In a town where the delusion had made numerous converts," &c. Will the Messenger or Courier, or even the gentleman who first told the lie to the Messenger, prove that the doctrine believed by the society who are reproachfully called "mormons," is a delusion.

But there was a pond in the western part of the state of New-York, extending over a large piece of ground, and only a small part of it but what was just covered by a thin sheet of water, and the bottom was sufficiently hard to hold the weight of a man; and yet, it was necessary to lay plank over this, as well as the other part. A large eoncourse of beople collected to witness the miraculous performance of this wonderful person. Where did they come from? We suppose from New England, or some other distant country, as none of them knew that the pond to be traversed, was shoal, and the bottom sufficiently hard to bear the weight of a man. So the suspecting found out the secret, and in playing a trick, sent a man into eternity! The "delusion" had gained numerous converts, but these poor creatures being so blinded with the deception that they had actually forgotten that the pond was shoal. Alas! just as the "miracle" had wrought powerfully upon the minds of the assembly, as though the truth of God hung upon the event, down went the "imposture" and down went the "delusion," and there the matter ends, without recovering the body to give it another buriel, or calling an inquest that an official account might be published to the world. We suppose that it could not be found in consequence of the mire! Thus ends the "Tragical event," and one man made his escape to tell the news--what was his name?

Query:--Was not the "gentleman" who told the tale to the Messenger, employed in writing religious lies for the tract peddlers, to convert the world? If he is not we advise that he may be. Will the Courier ascertain the fact and inform us?--[Editor of the Star.]

<"To the Public">
Sidney Rigdon "To the Public," E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)


I feel myself called upon to notice the conduct of ADAMSON, BENTLY, a Campbellite reformer, as I have had to suffer as much from his hand as he could heap upon me, if the information which I have received be correct. He has exausted nearly all his ingenuity, to do what little he could to injure me and my family, in both character and property. Not contenting himself with injuring my character, thinking, perhaps, that his influence was rather too small to gratify his malicious feelings, he has had recourse to other means; exercising his influence over the mind of an old superanuated man, near eighty years of age, whose mind was so bewildered, that frequently he did not know his own children whom he saw every day; and has actually succeeded in getting him to alter his will, so as to deprive my family of their just dues. This he told me himself!

Some time in the winter of 1832, I was in the township of Weathersfield, Trumbull Co. I was then informed by a number of people, that Mr. Bently had declared publicly, that I dare not meet him and investigate the subject of religion. At the time when I heard it; I disbelieved it; but seeing Mr. Bently some time afterwards, I interogated him on the subject; he to my astonishment, confessed it was true! I asked him if I were to understand it as a challenge? He said, I had a right to understand it as such. I then informed him, that I held him bound by it. As a man of truth and veracity he had to acknowledge that he was bound to support it, and in case I called on him to support his boast as a challenge, he was bound to meet me. I told him, that I accepted it as a challenge, and I therefore required him to meet me. He agreed he would, and gave his word so to do before a number of persons whose testimonies can be had at any time; but said he could not for some weeks, as some engagements he had would hinder. I was going on a journey, and it was mutually agreed that the meeting should take place immediately after my return. Accordingly, as soon as I returned, I informed him by letter of my return, and that I was now ready to make the necessary arrangements for the proposed investigation; but to my astonishment he entirely declined, and utterly refused,though he had previously pledged his word that he would do it. So the matter stands up to this date. As I am accasionly hearing of his making many boasts what he can do, it is but justice to the bublic that they should be correctly informed on this matter. When this man is disposed to boast of what he can do, let the public know, that I am ready to meet him on his challenge at any time, and he can yet have an opportunity of displaying his wisdom and intelligence.


Oliver Cowdery ed E&MS 2 (Apr 1834)


DIED in this place on the 4th of this month, NANCY, an infant child of brother PHINEAS H. and sister CLARISSA YOUNG, aged 10 months.

In Florence, on the 15th inst. sister HILAH, wife of brother GIDEON H. CARTER, aged 32 years. Sister CARTER has been declining in health for a length of time. She has been a professer several years, and was among the first who embraced the fulness of the gospel in these last days. Her friends and near relatives, though deeply sensible of her personal worth and virtues, are consoled with the assurance which she left of her acceptance with God; and though they cannot but drop a tear in consequence of their loss, yet they can, with propriety cherish the pleasing reflection, that they will soon meet her in the rest prepared for the saints.

In Warrenton, Virginia, on the 24th of February, last, Mr. OLMSTEAD G. Johnson, son of brother JOHN JOHNSON, of this place, aged 24 years.

Agreeably to a request of the church in Kirtland, we would inform our bretheren abroad, that brother JARED CARTER, has been appointed to visit the several churches, to receive contributions for the purpose of finishing the stone building now erecting in this place, designed as a house of worship and praise to the Lord. Brother CARTER will be able to give you every information and insruction relative to his mission; and will probably visit all, or the most of the branches of the church during the present season. [Editor of the Star.]


(Continued from our last.)

Dear brethren in Christ, and companions in tribulation.

IN our own country, surrounded with blessings innumerable, to which thousands of our fellow men are strangers, enjoying unspeakable benefits, and inexpressible comforts, when once our situation is compared with the ancient saints, as followers of the Lamb of God who has taken away our sins by his own blood, we are bound to rejoice and give thanks to him always. Since the organization of the church of Christ, or the church of the LATTER DAY SAINTS, which was on the 6th of April, 1830, we have had the satisfaction of witnessing the spread of the truth into various parts of our land, notwithstanding its enemies have exerted their unceasing diligence to stop its course and prevent its progress. Though evil nd designing men have been combined to destroy the innocent, because their own craft was in danger, and have been assisted in raising mobs and circulating falsehoods by a miserable set of apostates, who have, for wicked and unbecoming conduct, been expelled from the body of which they were once members, yet the glorious gospel in its fulness is spreading and daily gaining converts, and our prayer to God is, that it may continue, and numbers be added of such as shall be saved.

The Messiah's kingdom on earth is of that kind of government, that there has always been numerous apostates, for this very fact, that it admits of no sins unrepented of without excluding the individual from its fellowship. Our Lord said, [Luke 13:24] Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. [Matt. 20:16] And again, many are called, but few chosen. Paul said to the elders of the church at Ephesus, after he had labored three years with them, that he knew, that some of their own number would turn away from the faith, and seek to lead away disciples after them. None, we presume, in this generation will pretend that they have the experience of Paul, in building up the church of Christ; and yet, after his departure from the church at Ephesus, many, even of the elders, turned away from the truth; and what is almost always the case, sought to lead away disciples after them. Strange as it may appear, at first thought, yet it is no less so than true, that will all the professed determination to live godly, after turning from the faith of Christ, apostates have, unless they have speedily repented, sooner or later, fallen into the snares of the wicked one and been left destitute of the Spirit of God, to manifest their wickedness in the eyes of multitudes. From apostates the faithful have received the severest persecutions: Judas was rebuked, and immediately betrayed his Lord into the hands of his enemies, because satan entered into him. There is a supreme intelligence bestowed upon such as obey the gospel with full purpose of heart, which, if sinned against, the apostate is left naked and destitute of the Spirit of God, and they are in truth, nigh unto cursing, and their end is to be burned. When once that light which was in them is taken from them, they become as much darkened as they were previously enlightened. And then, no marvel, if all their power should be enlisted against the truth, and they, Judas like, seek the destruction of those who were their greatest benefactors! What nearer friend on earth, or in heaven, had Judas, than the Savior? and his first object was to destroy him! Who, among all the saints in these last days, can consider himself as good as our Lord? Who is as perfect, who is as pure, and who as holy as he was? Are they to be found? He never transgressed or broke a commandment or law of heaven--no deceit was in his mouth, neither was guile found in his heart! and yet one that ate with him, who had often supped of the same cup, was the first to lift up his heel against him! Where is there one like him? He cannot be found on earth. Then why should his followers complain, if from those whom they once called brethren, and considered in the nearest relation in the everlasting covenant, they should receive persecution? From what source emanated the principle which has ever been manifested by apostates from the true church, to persecute with double diligence, and seek with double perseverance, to destroy those whom they once professed to love, with whom they once communed, and with whom they once covenanted to strive, with every power, in righteousness, to obtain the rest of God? Perhaps, our brethren will say, The same that caused satan to seek to overthrow the kingdom of God, because he himself was evil, and God's kingdom is holy.

Being limited to a short space in this number of the Star, we have advanced these few items, though in short, in stead of perusing our subject as in former numbers. The great plan of salvation is a theme which ought to occupy our strictest attention, and be regarded as one of heaven's best gifts to mankind. No consideration whatever ought to deter us from approving ourselves in the sight of God, according to his divine requirement. Men not unfrequently forget, that they are dependent upon heaven for every blessing which they are permitted to enjoy, and that for every opportunity, granted them, they are to give an account. You know, brethren, that when the Master called his servants, he gave them their several benefits to improve only while he should tarry for a little season, and then he will call each to render his account; and where five tallents were bestowed, ten will be required, and he that has made no improvement will be cast out as an unprofitable servant, and the faithful are to enjoy everlasting honors.--Therefore, we earnestly emplore the grace of our Father to rest upon you, through Jesus Christ his Son, that you may not faint in the hour of temptation, nor be overcome in the time of persecution. TO BE CONTINUED.


LET all the saints their hearts prepare: Behold, the day is near, When Zion's King shall hasten there, And banish all their fear; Fill all with peace and love, And blessings from above, His church with honors to adorn, The church of the first born. Behold, he comes on flying clouds, And speeds his way to earth, With acclamations sounding loud, With songs of heav'nly birth. The saints on earth will sing, And hail their heav'nly King: All the redeem'd of Adam's race In peace behold his face.

Before his face devouring flames In awful grandeur rise; The suff'ring saints he boldly claims. And bears them to the skies: While earth is purified In peace they all abide, And then descend to earth again, Rejoicing in his reign.

A thousand years in peace to dwell; The earth with joys abound, Made free from all the pow'rs of hell, No curse infect the ground. From sin and pain releas'd The saints abide in peace; And all creation here below Their King and Savior know.


LET us pray, gladly pray, In the house of Jehovah, Till the righteous can say, "O our warfare is over!" Then we'll dry up our tears, Sweetly praising together, Through the great thousand years, Face to face with the Savior.

What a joy will be there, At the great resurrection, As the saints meet in air, In their robe of perfection; Then the Lamb--the Lamb, With a God's mandatory, As I AM THAT I AM, Fills the world with his glory.

We can then live in peace, With a joy on the mountains; As the earth doth increase, With a joy by the fountains, For the world will be blest, With a joy to rely on, From the east to the west, Through the glory of Zion.


AWAKE, O ye people! the Savior is coming: He'll sudenly come to his temple, we hear; Repentence is needed of all that are living, To gain them a lot of inheritance near. To day will soon pass, and that unknown tomorrow, May leave many souls in a more dreadful sorrow, Than came by the flood, or that fell on Gomorrah--Yea, weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Be ready, O islands, the Savior is coming; He'll bring again Zion the prophets declare; Repent of your sins, and have faith in redemption, To gain you a lot of inheritance there. A voice to the nations in season is given, To show the return of the glories of Eden, and call the Elect from the four winds of heaven, From Jesus is coming to reign on the earth.


O. [Oliver] COWDERY, Editor.




<"Faith of Church">
Sidney Rigdon "Faith of the Church," E&MS 2 (May 1834)



[Continued from our last.]

MAY we not ask, why so many "misgivings" about any subject written in the bible? why so much difficulty in understanding those things which have been indited by the Spirit of God, to enlighten the human family? why is it that the wisest, the most learned, the gratest of reformers, (or at least they would be so,) are in such serious difficulties, as not to be able to comprehend the things which God, the heavenly Father, has taken the paines to communicate and send down from heaven for the benefit of man? for such is the darkness which prevails, that those who are engaged in endeavoring to correct the errors of others, and return them back to first principles, as they say, are themselves under the necessity of stopping, and are not able to persue the course which they have marked out for themselves. It is because the God of heaven, after all the manifestations of his kindness to man, has, instead of enlightening their minds, given them a book clothed in such mysterious language, and words of such doubtful import, that a person is never safe in attaching any definite meaning to them? or where lies the difficulty? The apostle John says, in his first Epistle, first chapter, 5 and 6 verses,--"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth." Are these sayings of John correct? or are they not? Is it even so, that a man who says he has fellowship with God, and yet is in darkness, lies and does not the truth? So says John. If so, what are we to think of those reformers who profess to have gotten so near the truth as to have entered into the "ancient order of things," and still declare, that they, even themselves are in darkness, and such great darkness, that they are incapable of understanding the teachings of the ancient prophets? For the deep things of God, (as they are pleased to call them,) they cannot comprehend. And after many years' labor and study, have to come to the conclusion that there is too much "conflicting" of the "winds" for an inexperienced mariner to launch forth into the mighty "abyss." If we ask, what abyss? O, the abyss of prophecy! a dark unfathomable abyss! Wonderful!! To whom? Astonishing! To one who has a fellowship with God! Yes, fellowship with God! Yes, indeed a great reformer; yea, more than great, very great; the Idol of his followers! the would be oracle of the age, the founder of the millenium, the restorer of pure speech! Yes reader, all these, with many more equally as great. But after all in darkness? yes, gross darkness! Be still, John! hush to silence! for we have found one man, if no more, that has fellowship with God, and is in darkness, and to all appearance will remain so. For the days have passed away, they say, when the Spirit of God is in the hearts of the saints a spirit of revelation, as in days of old. And how these reformers are to get into the light, is some what mysterious to us: how they are to determine when they get the proper rules of interpretation we are not able to say: unless the Spirit of God should say something about it, it will only be guess-work at best--a very uncertain ground to rest a man's eternal welfare upon. It appears to us, if their theory be true, that all they can do is to change one guess for another. In former days the saints were not at so great a loss; they had an unction from the Father, which taught them all things, and was the truth, and was no lie. So that they needed not human teaching, for their anointing which they had from the Holy One, was so peculiar in its effects, as to teach them of all things. See John's 1 epistle, 2 chapter, 20 and 27 verses. But these modern reformers have not obtained an annointing of any kind: they have no unction from the Holy One to lead them into the truth. And they are not at liberty to understand the bible as it says; nor can they obtain the proper rules of interpretation. But still, they are reformers, notwithstanding they do not possess one single peculiarity of the religion of the ancient saints--and are equal with them (as they say) in all the privileges of the eternal world, being heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus christ!

It is truely marvelous to see man trying to reform their fellow men and correct their errors on the subject of religion, while they themselves openly deny the existance of the religion of the bible, and boldly declare, that that religion has ceased, and will exist no more. And if any man dare assert, that if ever the religion of heaven prevails on the earth it will be found to be the same it was before, they will denounce him as the basest of impostures, and the worst of villains! For instance, let a man declare that he has obtained the ministering of angels--how quick will all the reformers, yes, and nonreformers too, denounce him as the worst of men! but ask them, did the people of God in ancient days receive the ministering of angels? Surely they did, say they. What! and you have got the same religion as they had! They will answer in the affirmative. And yet, you have no such thing as the ministering of angels? No. And your religion still the same as theirs? Yes the same God, the same gospel, the same dispensation and the same Spirit. And yet, the dealings of God with them are as different as Mahometanism and chrstianity! There is something surely very strange about this matter, how two things can be unlike in every particular, and yet be the same.

After all the maneuvering and management to conceal their nakedness, of which modern religionists are capable, it will come to this at last, that all their darkness and difficulties arise from their unbelief: they are unwilling that the God of heaven should have such an order of things as is set forth in the bible. For should such an order of things ever exist on the earth as the prophets describe, it would expose their works to the contempt of the weakist mind. The religion of the gospel was never more destructive to the craft of Demetrius, than is the religion taught by the ancient prophets opposed to the schemes of modern times, and modern would be saints, whether their religion be of the reformed or nonreformed. The direct proof which we have of the great difference which exists between the things taught in the bible respecting the last times, and the religion believed in by this sectarian generation is, that the religion of this generation is so directly at war with the religion of the bible, that they cannot, with all their intelligence, understand the things taught by the sacred writers: their religion is so directly opposed to the bible, that it does not admit of the existence of such an order of things as the prophets said God would introduce in the last days; and this drives them to the necessity of interpreting, expounding, and spiritualizing, in order to make themselves and others believe, that they are great sticklers for the bible; powerful defenders of the religion it advocates. But instead of their either expounding, or interpreting, the mysteries of the bible, as they pretend, they go to creating mysteries, and making things which in themselves are plain and easy of understanding, dark and incomprehensible. We should really be glad to see some of those spiritualizers, and interpreters, favor the world with a bible manufactured according to their plan, substituting their interpretations and spiritual meanings, for the words which are in the bible, and then compare the one with the other; and we are confident, that no person would suppose that the two books were written on the same subjects: it might be a necessary appendage to Webster's and Dickinson's polite bibles.

If those spiritualizers, and interpreters, were to change their course, and instead of spiritualizing, and interpreting, go to believing and understanding the bible as they would any other book, they would soon find that they had inherited lies, and vanity, and things in which there was no profit, [see Jeremiah, 16 chapter and 19 verse,] and their preaching had been vain, as also their faith, and that they were yet in their sins, being far from God, and without hope in the world, save that which they had entertained through the traditions of their fathers, by which they had made void the faith of the gospel and set at nought the counsel of the Most High; having received and taught for doctrines the commandments of men. For it is only the weak and vain schemes of men in spiritualizing and interpreting, which have rendered the bible obscure and unintelligible. All the important items of prophecy relating to the great things of the last days, are as plain as language can make them, if the world was willing to believe that the bible was true; for, to spiritualize the obvious meaning of the prophets away, is to make their language false, and to make them tell lies in the name of the Lord. For a person may believe an interpretation, or a spiritual meaning as the sects call it, and not believe the bible. Indeed it is as impossible for a man to believe both, as it is for him to serve two masters, or to have the friendship of the world, and the favor of God; yea, the camel could go through the needle's eye as easily, or a rich man get into the kingdom of heaven; or a man could as easily serve God and Mammon, as to believe an interpretation, or a spiritual meaning, and the bible also, for the plainest of all reasons, which is this, that a man never spiritualizes, nor interprets, only when he does not believe what is written.

Let men cease thus to pervert the truth, and to handle the word of God deceitfully, (for if this is not handling the word of God deceitfully, it never was handled deceitfully since the world began,) and let them betake themselves to the understanding of it, and it would make a speedy change in their views; the apparent darkness of prophecy would soon disappear; "misgivings" about the proper rules of interpretation would soon cease to exist, and the would be reformers of mankind, would have something of consequence to unfold to the minds of their followers, instead of keeping them years gaping and stretching after something, and receiving nothing except a strife about words, which subvert mens' souls, and serve no better purpose. Had the "Millenial Harbinger" been called Universal Rangler, it would have suited its character much better, and the Editor might continue it in existence, and yet be a conscientious man; but nothing now can support it but the stupid ignorance of its patrons.

The whole sectarian scheme of things, (what we mean by sectarian scheme, is every scheme which is not the scheme of the bible,) stands on no better foundation than the ignorance of mankind, and produces no better result than the complete overthrow of all its devotees, whether they are reformed, or not reformed, and it is supported by a vague scheme of spiritualizing and interpreting; for without these two powerful supports, sectarianism, with all its appendages, would come to a final issue, and sink with as much rapidity as the angel's millstone, and rise no more forever.

Any rational being with the bible in his hand, feeling himself at liberty to believe what it said, would very soon redeem himself from all the follies of the age, see the weakness of all the sectarian schemes of the nineteenth century, and all former ages, and the perfect folly of all the pretended reformations of ancient and modern times, when there were not inspired men at the head of them, both apostles and prophets; for without such, the God of heaven never at any time produced a reformation, nor did he ever bring back an apostate race at any time, by any other means, than by raising up and inspiring men from on high, and giving unto them the spirit of revelation in the knowledge of himself. Ephesians, 1 chapter, and 17 verse. Any man proclaiming himself a reformer in religion, and in the next sentence denying inspiration and revelation, declares to all the world, that God never sent him. And let him bring about what order of things he may among those who trust themselves to his guidance, he never will establish the order of heaven, or that order of things which is according to the mind and will of the Holy Spirit; for this has never yet been done by any person unless he was inspired of God, and had in himself the spirit of revelation, and actually received revelations from heaven for himself. Nor can an apostate generation be brought back to the order of heaven without some persons are inspired, as the apostles of old were, to bring them back. This generation has a strong proof of the impossibility of any man having power, without the spirit of inspiration, to bring about an order of things, such as is found in the bible, particularly, that part of them who reside in this religion, as far as they have been made acquainted with the Millenial Harbinger, and its Editor; for surely, their is no want of either worldly learning or talents in the Editor; but with them all he cannot make even an attempt at establishing the Millenial church: no, so far from establishing it, he cannot find out what it is: he would fain write about it, no doubt, if he knew what to say, and would rejoice greatly to be an instrument in ushering it in: but so far from making any advances toward it, he is not able to say one word about it, except on the title page of his paper. In this queer attitude he stands before the public, as a monument of human imbecility, speaking louder than words, saying, What an empty puff of breath is man, unless he is inspired of God--he begins by proposing, he continues with proposing, and terminates upon nothing--he makes a great commotion, but leaves the world at as great a distance from God as he finds it.

A man may propose much, he may write much, preach much, build up many churches, call them churches of Christ, Millenial churches, disciples, or what he or they please; but unless he is empowered from on high he can never build up the kingdom of heaven, nor add one member to it: when he gets done, compare his work and his church with one built by an inspired man, and there is no resemblance between them: The things believed by one are not believed by the other; the things done by one are not done by the other. Nor can any uninspired man build a church, that will not call the religion of heaven a delusion, enthusiasm, an imposition, and every other evil epithet that the worst feelings of human nature can invent--and the servants of God base impostures. Let a man but declare in the presence of a parcel of men-made saints, that he believes the church of Christ to be always the same; let him contend for the very things for which the apostles in the days of the Savior contended, and it will soon be found to whom they belong, to God or to men: hear them denounce it the worst of impositions, the foulest of all schemes of speculation; though they confess that was what the ancient apostles contended for, and for which they laid down their lives.--Then it was glorious, but now it is a vile, unsufferable imposition; but still they say they believe the bible--why! believe the bible? surely we believe the bible: it is the most glorious of all books, and it contains the most blessed of all religion. Ask them, Is your religion the same as in the bible? Doubtless it is. Does it bring forth the same fruits? Ah! besure, the mighty works of the ancients have ceased; revelations have ceased; inspiration has ceased, and spiritual gifts are no more; but still, our religion is bible religon, and our faith is bible faith, and we are a people who are as much the people of God as they were. Yes, reader, you have to believe that these sectarians are all the people of God, are bible christians, and heirs of the grace of life, without possessing one single qualification of the ancient saints, or else you must bear all the abominations they can heap on your head, because you cannot believe it. And where is the man with the bible in his hand, and possessing common sense who does, or can believe it? I am bold to assert, there is not an honest man in the world that can do it.

I would be gratified, to have some of the sectarian (would be saints,) give us a little light on this subject, particularly on the subject of spiritual gifts, as they existed in the primitive church. Paul, in enumerating the spiritual gifts, mentions wisdom, knowledge, and faith. 1 Corinthians, 12 chapter and 8 verse. What I would be glad to know, is whether all the spiritual gifts have ceased to exist in the church, or whether some of them continue; for if they are all done away, the present church is withont either wisdom, knowledge, or faith. (And I confess, if I am left to judge from their writings, and sayings, misgivings, and interpretations, I must admit that it looks very much as if this were the case.) But as they are not willing to admit that all the spiritual gifts are done away, will some one of the wise ones be so kind as to take the I2 chapter of first Corinthians, and show unto us how many of the spiritual gifts are retained, and how many have ceased to be the privilege of the saints to enjoy? Will some of the modern reformers be so kind as to give us some light on the subject, as we may expect a little more from them than others, or else they are no reformers.

If it be admitted that faith still continues in the church, and who among all the religious world dare deny it? for the author of the epistle to the Hebrews, says, "Without faith it is impossible to please him." [God.] Hebrews 11 chapter, 6 verse. And if faith is the prerogative of the saints now, the work of faith is equally so; and if the prayer of faith ever had power with God, what reason can be assigned that it should have no power in these last days? Will some of the knowing ones be so kind as to give us the desired information, and point out the time when the prayer of faith ceased to have power with God? and also the place in the scriptures, where it is said that there was to be a time when God would not answer the prayer of faith? If neither of these things can be done, let them be honest, and confess that faith has ceased, and should the Son of man now come, he would not find faith on the earth; and that they also have ceased to please God, and instead of being the servants of God they have become the disciples of men; and instead of being saints, they have become the dupes of a set of men-made teachers, who have turned them away from the truth to follow after fables. TO BE CONTINUED.

Sidney Rigdon "Millenium," E&MS 2 (May 1834)

[For the Star.]

MILLENIUM. No. V. {beliefs-lds}

IN the 24 chapter of Isaiah, and 23 verse, the prophet, after having described one of the greatest desolations ever pronounced on the head of any generation of men, says, "Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously." We have before seen that this reign was to last a thousand years; and his ancients, before whom he was to reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, gloriously, were all the redeemed from among men, of every tongue, language, kindred, and people. According to Daniel, he was to come to the ancient of days: here he is said to reign before his ancients, that is, all the saints from our father Adam, down; for who could the ancient of days be but our father Adam? surely none other: he was the first who lived in days, and must be the ancient of days. And to whom would the Savior come, but to the father of all the race, and then receive his kingdom, in which he was to reign before, or with his ancients gloriously? Let it here be remarked, that it is said to be in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, where the Lord is to reign before his ancients gloriously. We shall have occasion for this hereafter. Zachariah says in the 14 chapter of his prophecy, and the 5 verse, "And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal; yea, ye shall flee like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with thee." This corresponds with what John says in the Revelations; for if he brings all the saints with him, they will be of every tribe, tongue, people, and kindred.

That all these passages refer to his second coming to reign on the earth a thousand years, does not admit of a doubt in the mind of the believer in the bible; for there is no other time of his coming mentioned in the scriptures, but his coming first in the flesh to suffer and die for us, and his second coming to reign on earth a thousand years, with all those who obey his will. As to his coming at the end of the earth, or at the final issue of all things, their is no such thing mentioned in the bible, nor is their one syllable said on it in any revelation which is extant; for so far from his coming at the end of all things, all revelations agree that he will be here more than a thousand years before. So that every thing in the bible said about his coming, which does not relate to his first coming in the flesh, relates to his second coming to reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously, and this reign to continue a thousand years, or the Millenium. On the subject of this coming, and this reign, the scriptures abound. In the testimony of Matthew we have the following sayings of the Savior, 24 chapter, 30 verse. "And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." In the 26 chapter , and 64 verse, the Savior says to the high priest, "Nevertheless, I say unto you, hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Here the Savior says himself, that he will come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, for the purpose as the prophet Isaiah informs us, that he may reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously--he will therefore come in power and great glory. In Mark's testimony, 13 chapter and 26 verse, and 14 chapter and 62 verse, we have the same account that is given by Matthew. Luke also, in the 21 chapter of his testimony, and 27 verse gives the same account.

I want it distinctly understood by my readers, that in every instance where the coming of Christ is mentioned, either by the Savior, or the apostles, it has an allusion to his second coming to reign on the earth a thousand years; for it was after his first coming that all the apostles wrote; and surely it was at the time of his first coming that the Savior was here on earth, so that there need be no mistake on this subject. As for any other coming of the Savior, save these two, it has originated else where than in the bible, or any revelation of God to man: it is one of the discoveries of modern times, and modern religionists; for neither Moses nor the prophets, Jesus nor the apostles, had knowledge of any such coming of the Savior. They all knew of two comings: first, his coming in the flesh, being born of a virgin; made under the law; taking upon him flesh for the suffering of death; partaking of flesh and blood because the children were partakers of the same, that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is the Devil, and deliver those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. They knew of his being smitten, buffited, scourged, and wounded for our transgressions; bruised for our iniquities; of the chastisement of our peace being upon him, and of our being healed by his stripes. And they also knew of his resurrection, and of his ascension, as well as of his coming again in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, to convince all, to judge all, and to reign on earth a thousand years; and of his bringing all the saints with him, and of his reigning until all enemies were put under his feet; but of any other coming they had no knowledge, or if they had, they kept it to themselves, for they never wrote any thing about it.

We shall now see what the apostles have said about this coming of Christ to reign on the earth where he once suffered; for he promised his disciples that he would come again without sin, for the salvation of them who looked for him.

Having heard the prophets and the Savior give their testimony, let us hear the apostles give theirs. We shall begin with Paul, 1 Corinthians, 4 chapter, 5 verse: he says to his Corinthian brethren, "Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God." Philippians, 3 chapter 20 and 21 verses; "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body that it may be fashoned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

1 Thessalonians 1 chapter 8, 9, and 10 verses: "For from you sounded out the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing. For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God;and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come." 4 chapter 15, 16 and 17 verses: "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 2 Thesselonians 1 chapter 7, 8, 9, and 10 verses. "And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and admired in all them that believe." In the 2 chapter of this same epistle, and the 1 verse, the apostle thus exhorts the saints: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him." And again, in the 8 verse of this chapter, he says, "And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." 2 Epistle to Timothy, 4 chapter, 1 verse, Paul thus addresses Timothy; "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom." Titus, 2 chapter, 13 verse reads thus, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ." In the epistle to the Hebrews, 9 chapter, and 28 verse, we have the following sayings: "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

We can see by the foregoing quotations, that the second coming of Christ formed a prominant point in the teachings of this apostle; that he kept it so continually before him, that in nearly all his epistles he makes mention of it, though he lived two thousand years before that important period; but notwithstanding his great distance from it, still in his estimation it was none the less important to himself, nor to the saints of his day. It was in view of this coming of Christ that he admonished the saints, comforted those who were in affliction, warned the unruly, encouraged the weak, charged Timothy, exhorted Titus, and sounded his loudest alarms in the ears of a gainsaying world, until he made them tremble. See Acts 24 chapter, 24 and 25 verses. In viewing the foregoing sayings of Paul, we shall find that he has said in substance the same things which John has said in the revelations, so that there can be no doubt that they both viewed the subject in the same point of light.

Paul says that Christ is coming again, and though he does not directly say that he is coming in the clouds, yet he says it indirectly in the 4 chapter of first Thessalonians, 16, and 17 verses, as before quoted: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." So the Lord, when he comes, must be in the clouds, or else the saints who remained at his coming, would not be caught up in the clouds to meet him. This plainly shows that Paul expected he would come in the clouds.

So says John the Revelator, in the 20 chapter of the Revelations, as before quoted. Daniel also in the 7 chapter and 13 verse of his prophecy; and so says the Savior himself: in this point then they all agree.

Paul says, that at his coming they that sleep in Christ shall be raised: so says John.

Paul says that he will take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gaspel: 2 Thessalonians 1 chapter and 8 verse. John says, that all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

Isaiah shows in the 24 chapter of his prophecy, that an innumerable train of judgments shall fall on those who have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broken the everlasting covenant, until the earth shall be utterly wasted; and all this when the Lord comes to reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously. And in the 35 chapter, as before mentioned, in speaking to Israel of the coming of their God, or Messiah, that he would come with vengeance: "even God with a recompense he will come and save you." See the 4 verse.

Daniel says, that he will break in pieces and destroy all the kingdoms of the world, and his kingdom shall stand forever. Compare the 7 chapter, 13 and 14 verses, with the second chapter and 44 verse, as before quoted.

From the complete harmony there is among these writers, there can no doubt exist in the mind of any canded person, that they all understood the subject alike, and have written for the benefit of the last days.

James, in the 5 chapter and 7 and 8 verses of his epistle, makes mention of the coming of the Savior. "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruits of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he recieve the early and the latter rain. Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."

Peter, in his second epistle, first chapter 16 verse says, to the saints of his day: "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; but were eye witnesses of his majesty."

Jude also makes mention of his coming in his epistle, 14 and 15 verses, which is a quotation from the prophecy of Enoch, which is not extant at present; but Jude having preserved this item, shows to us thereby that the coming of the Lord was understood at a very early date in the history of the world, and that Enoch also the seventh from Adam was made acquainted with it. "And Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these, saying. Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints." Zachariah in the 14 chapter of his prophecy and 5 verse as before mentioned says, that all the saints will be with him. John in the Revelations says, all them that are redeemed from among men are to be with him. Paul says, that his mighty angels will be with him.

All these doubtless refer to the same time and to the same beings, namely, the saints who are at that time to reign with him on the earth, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

In addition to what John has said in the Revelations, he has declared the same thing in his first epistle, second chapter and 28 verse. "And now, little children, abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming."

In the Acts of the apostles, first chapter 10 and 11 verses, we have the testimony of the heavenly messengers. "And while he looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Gallilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." In the 9 verse of this chapter we are told that while the apostles beheld, he was taken up and a bright cloud received him out of their sight; and if he comes in like manner as he went, (according to the sayings of the angels,) he will come in a cloud.

The prophet Malachi gives us a corresponding testimony in the 3 chapter of his prophecy, 1, 2, and 3 verses: "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: Behold, he shall come saith the Lord of hosts; but who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap. [Paul says, in the first chapter of his second epistle to the Thessalonians, 7 and 8 verses, that he shall be revealed in fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel.] And he shall set as a refiner, and purifier of sliver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."

Some have supposed that the prophet in the above quotation referred to the first coming of the Savior; but at the first coming he did not come suddenly to his temple, neither did he appear in any sense as a refiner's fire, nor did he purge the sons of Levi, that they offered unto the Lord an offering in righteousness: but all this has to take place when he comes, as prophesied of by this prophet.

David, in the 50 Psalm, doubtless has his eye fixed on the second coming of Christ, when he says in the 3 verse: "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him." No such occurrence has taken place yet, but will when the Lord comes with all the saints, to reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.




<"Progress of Church">
Oliver Cowdery "Progress of the Church," E&MS 2 (May 1834)


NUMBERLESS have been the false reports, and unceasing have been the exertions of many to stop the spread of the everlasting gospel in these last days; but still our hearts are made glad with the cheering intelligence from time to time of the increase and prosperity of this glorious work. With all the vain and ridiculous reports; with all the strife and exertion of such as are in danger of having their deeds exposed; with all the cry of "false prophets, false teachers, and false Chrits!" with all the combined influence of both the wisdom and ignorance of the age, and with every kind of abuse and ill treatment, from the reproaches of the lying tongue, blasting reputations, and defaming characters, to the bold rebellion of mid-day mobs, to the abuse of innocence and the sacrifice of life, the enemies of righteousness have hitherto failed in their attempts to overthrow the truth--still it spreads, still it prospers, still it prevails; and like the spring current of the Great Missouri, it rolls on as though nought except brakes and weeds were attempting to stop it in its decreed course.

Upheld by the power of Omnipotence, amid persecutions unparalleled in the history of the world, though it has progressed slowly, it has moved on, and not unfrequently those who have fought against it with great zeal, have, after a careful investigation, been constrained to acknowledge that it was the work of God. There is a peace communicated to the heart; there is a blessing given; there is a brightening of the intellect; there is a communion enjoyed; there is a faith unfeigned; there is an opening prospect which unfolds futurity to the understanding; there is a Spirit received, and an assurance given, that before these all things of a perishable nature sink into nothing; and the vain schemes; the false pretence; the dark and incomprehensible plans of all former generations, framed for craft, and held forth as a savor of life to mankind, vanish like the mist, and pass like the smoke before the whirlwind, and leave the saint in a cloudless atmosphere, undisturbed, to contemplate the scenes of eternity, and rejoice in the assurance of endless peace and glory in the presence of God.

Having attended a Conference of late in Norton, Medina county, we had the privilege of meeting many of the elders from the south and west, the more part of whom were strangers to us except by information, and many of their names we had never heard before. The elders represented a number of churches lately established, and generally bore glad tidings concerning the present and future prospects of the cause. Great harmony and union prevailed, and the conference was truly interesting, not only because so many were brought together professing the same thing, but our hearts were comforted as our hopes were brightened with the light and intelligence reflected on the occasion; and we witnessed the power and influence of the gospel of our Lord, in bringing, not only strangers together from different instructions parts of our country, but men of different languages, brought up under different instructions and different principles of faith, to rejoice together in the bonds of the new covenant, and be ONE.

There are churches in the south that were not represented at this conference, and it is probable that the information was not received, as the appointment was not general. Several of the elders residing in the western churches were also absent, and we suppose for the same reason. Our regular conferences, will hereafter be noticed in the Star if we receive the information in season, and all the brethren [the elders] should arrange their business so as to attend.

The church in Norton has greatly increased since it was first organized, in both intelligence and numbers; their meetings, as we were informed, are very interesting; the Holy Spirit is richly given, and the Lord is manifesting his goodness in a special manner. Many are anxiously enquiring from time to time, to know whether those things are of God, and the work is evidently gaining strength daily. It is now more than one year since the fulness of the gospel was proclaimed in that vicinity, and though prejudice had fortified the minds of many against it in consequence of false reports, when the truth was preached it was embraced in sincerity, and the church numbered from sixty to seventy at the time of the conference.

Our brethren in Norton had made sufficient arrangements for the accommodation of the elders and visiting brethren; and we acknowledge with gratitude to the Lord, the warmth of affection with which ourselves were received, and the kindness bestowed in the necessary requirements of nature; and we take this opportunity of assuring our brethren, that the remembrance will ever be cherished with feelings of deep respect. There is a tie uniting the hearts of those who embrace the new covenant, to which others are utter strangers, and when called by other engagements and duties to part with those for whom we have the purest love, it always awakens in our bosoms a desire which can only be realized, for the Lord to roll on his kingdom, and hasten the time when all may rest in his presence and part no more.

The other churches represented in the conference, are in the counties of Cuyahoga, Knox, Richland, Stark and Wayne. We have been informed, that there are some eight or ten churches south, that were not represented in the conference, and that the work is spreading in those parts considerably: we are acquainted with some elders in Lawrence county who were not present. Certain it is, that wherever this gospel is preached, and wherever people will dismiss their prejudices to give it a fair hearing, there it finds believers, and there it finds advocates. And notwithstanding that charm which holds mankind as with a cord of destiny, the door is opening wider, and calls for preaching are made on the right hand and on the left.

New churches are continually rising as the light spreads, and it is our peculiar privilege to hear, frequently, from different individuals, calling themselves our brethren, of whose names we have before never heard, and whose faces we have never seen, and learning of saints where we had not heard that the gospel had been preached. The following letter was received a few days since, and though the writer is a stranger, he will pardon us for taking the liberty of copying it into the Star.

<Robert Culbertson>
Robert Culbertson ltr 2 May 1834 in E&MS 2 (May 1834)

"May 2, 1834. DEAR BROTHER--I take this opportunity of writing to let you know what the Lord is doing for the children of men in these last days. Last winter, one year ago, brother Simeon Carter came through our section of country, preaching the everlasting gospel of our blessed Savior, which made a great ado: almost every person went to hear the `Mormon preacher, one of the deceivers that was to come in the last days,' as they were called--I among the rest went to hear what he had to say; but to my astonishment, it was the first gospel sermon I ever heard; although I was in the habit of hearing preaching under the name of the `ancient gospel,' which did not come as near to it as the children of Benjamin could throw a stone and not miss, though they were left-handed. Our preacher was chosen to refute him; but when he came to appose truth with error, he found that a mole could as soon upset the Rocky Mountains, or a popgun blow down the Pyramids of Egypt, as his system stand against the system of truth. He became converted, and is now preaching the everlasting gospel to perishing sinners."

"Last harvest, brethren Drolinger and [James] Emmet, came through our country, and preached a few times with us, and baptized and established a church with sixteen members; since that time three more have joined with us."

"Never was there a time when it was the duty of saints to pray, [Matt. 6:10] `Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven,' more than at this time. Pure and undefiled religion is almost banished from the earth, and in its place, creeds and confessions of men of corrupt minds, men that would sell the flock for the fleece! We have as much right as Micah to cry out. [Micah 3:11] `The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us."

"The church I spake of is on Sugar Creek, Shelby county, Indiana.--One brother and myself, with our families, moved into Kentucky, seven miles from Cincinnati, last month, and are trying to serve the Lord according to the Articles and Covenants of the church of Christ. We have established a church of eight members, who agree to serve the Lord with full purpose of heart. Last Lord's day but one, I baptized two, and there is a prospect of more. There is one truth in the bible, if no more: That they that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution."

"Dear brother, we want you all to pray for us, that we may be able to stand in the evil day; for when I look round among the sects, and see so much malice, hatred, emulation, strife, and worldly mindedness, I am led to believe that the love of the Father is not in them."

"Brother, I look forward to that happy day, the glorious morning which has began to dawn, and anticipate the time when the Lord shall have purged the filth of the daughter of Zion; when the ransomed shall return with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads: when the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even forever."

"If brother Simeon Carter is in Kirtland, give my love to him, and tell him, the good seed that he sowed on Sugar Creek has taken root downward, and brought forth fruit upward to the glory of God."

"I have sent for the Evening and the Morning Star, commencing with the first number printed at Kirtland, one volume to be directed to Aaron Hart, and the other to myself, at Dury Creek P. O. Campbell co. Ky.--I hope they will do much good, as the people here know nothing of such a paper. You will forgive the hurried manner with which I have written."

"May the Lord bless you with the necessary gifts and graces, to be useful here, and in the end crown you in his kingdom--which is my prayer, for Christ's sake."


<"Progress of Church">
Oliver Cowdery "Progress of the Church," E&MS 2 (May 1837)

Unto those who endure to the end, our Lord has promised an inheritance in his glory, and nothing can be more encouraging to the saints, than to learn of the prosperity of their Redeemer's cause. Sure it is, that he will carry it on till all enemies are subdued, and those who will not till then, at the great day fast approaching, will there bow the knee. Our strange brother will accept assurences of our esteem and respect, both for himself and the church at that place, and we ask earnestly emplore our Father's blessing for him in the name of Christ, as he can for us, for his future usefulness in the cause of God, and commend him to that source for wisdom from whence the pure in heart never fail to receive. Such always have suffered persecution, and such may expect to suffer while wickedness walks abroad unrestrained. Brother Simeon Carter was living in Jackson co. Mo. with the church in that place till they were driven out last fall, but was residing in Clay co. when the last intelligence was received of him.

From brother P. [Parley] Pratt's journal we learn of the increase of the work in some parts of the state of New-York. Brother [Parley P.] Pratt left this place the first of March for the east, in company with several other elders, whom, as he says, he left in Livingston co. and continued his journey to Jefferson co. and found five or six small churches in that vicinity, surrounded with opposition, and the craft advocates, as in all other places busily engaged in publishing and framing falsehoods, to prejudice the public and dissuade all from investigating, or even hearing.

While traveling east, he informs us, that he baptized a young man in the town of Freedom, and during his stay in Jefferson co. and vicinity, on one occasion eight members, and at another, several more. Though only permitted to tarry a few days, thousands flocked to hear, deep-rooted prejudice gave way before the force of truth, and many who had previously been opposed, acknowledged that their minds had been led to conclude that all was deception, in consequence of evil reports and misrepresentations. During his tour to the east, brothers J. [John] Murdock and O. [Orson] Pratt, baptized twenty two in Freedom, and at his return he baptized three, constituting a church of 26 members.

From late intelligence received we learn of the success of the cause.--Meetings are attended by many, and the spirit of enquiry is manifest. The brethren are strong in the Lord, and are receiving, in a degree, those gifts which were enjoyed by the ancient saints. Many marvel, and though they are unwilling to ascribe it to the power of the devil, they are equally as unwilling to acknowledge that it is the work of God. True it is, that those professing the religion of the ancients, even the faith of Jesus, have lived so long without communion with God, that when they see his power manifested they are ready to reject it; and no marvel, for they are wholly unprepared to receive it, and being thus destitute of the Holy Spirit, are in no situation to judge correctly whether it is of God or not.

We are also informed by a letter from brother Bishop, dated at Salisberry, Ct. the 8th inst. that the work is beginning to find friends and advocates in that place. He informs us that he has baptized seven, and more are anxiously enquiring. There is an unwillingness in many to turn out to hear for themselves, and of course, it is the policy of craft advocates to cry "Delusion, herisy," and "blasphemy," intermixed with as many unaccountable extravagances as they can frame concerning the faith of this society, to prevent their followers from hearing the gospel. It is a matter of astonishment that a people as forward in science and intelligence as the inhabitants of the northen and middle states, should be held under bondage to that degree that they cannot hear any thing without firstly obtaining consent of their priests. We know that in old time the priests contrived to get a law passed that the people should not only attend the "proper" place of worship, but must observe the regular form of walking while going to and from. We say walking, because it was contrary to law to go any faster, and then they must go in a very devout manner or answer for the offense before a magistrate.

As a specimen of the opposition which this work has to encounter in many places, from those who pretend to have the care of mens' souls, we give a paragraph from brother [Parley P.] Pratt's journal. From a personal acquaintance of near four years with brother [Parley P.] Pratt, we are prepared to say, unhesitatingly, that he sustains the character of a man of truth, and the following having been corroborated verbally by another brother who was present at the time, we are prepared to give it to our readers as a statement on which they can depend.

"While in Jefferson co. we held a meeting in the large village of Sacketsharbor and the house was filled to overflowing. After we were through preaching the Rev. Mr. More, a man noted for talents, learning and salary, arose and testified to the congregation that he had read the book of Mormon, and that there was no such thing written in it as Christ appearing to the Nephites, and teaching them his gospel and the mode of baptism. He also testified that there was no testimony of three witnesses written in the book, that they had seen an angel. The people then gave a shout and the whole house rang. With much ado I got their attention to hear one remark, which was this, I am happy, said I, to state that the book of Mormon is before the public, and if this congregation will take the trouble to examine it half an hour, they will have the satisfaction of proving to a demonstration, that the Rev. Mr. More is a willful liar. The house again resounded with the shouts of the multitude."

Our readers may understand, that there has been but one edition of the book of Mormon printed, and relative to the two assertions of Mr. More, we leave them to judge whether his object was a good or a bad one in saying that he had read the book of Mormon, and that such statements were not to be found in it. From the 476 to the 511th pages may be found an account of the ministry of Christ to the Nephites, and on the 589th the testimony of three witnesses. If Mr. More had ever read the book, as he said, he must have been a dull scholar to pass over these two points and not notice them; and if he had never read it, our friends may judge, as we before said, whether he designed in the presence of God to tell a falsehood, for fear that the truth would injure his craft, or whether he thought that it was no more harm to lie to stop the spread of herisy than to print religious lies to convert the world.

When the Lord gave his apostles charge to go forth and preach, as he was about to leave them, what were the instructions? and what order of teaching were they to observe? Was it to frame and publish lies that the world might be converted and obey the truth? Let us see the commission:

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 24 chapter 19 and 20 verses.

From this communication, then, we learn a certain fact, and that is, that they were to teach all nations those things which had previously been taught them by the Savior. Now, if the Savior had taught them lies, then they were to teach them to the world; but if he had taught them truth, then they were bound to teach the same, and if they did not they were transgressors.

We will look at the world converted under the teachings of the Savior by the apostles, and see the society, and also see whether they would be prepared to stand in the day of indignation and vengeance. "He that repenteth and is baptized, shall be saved; and he that repenteth not shall be damned." If men are required to repent, what are they to repent of? of good acts or evil ones? If of evil acts, would it not be of lying, stealing, and other crimes similar? But if not, the world must repent that they have ever told the truth, and immediately be baptized, or they must be damned. This is the order, if the Savior taught his apostles lies; for they were to follow his teachings. Not to multiply, or insert all the clauses where truth is held forth as the maxim of heaven, we give only the following:

"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free." John, 8 ch. 31 and 32 verses. Understand, "Teach them to observe those things which I have taught you". "Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of TRUTH is come, he will guide you into all TRUTH." John 16 ch. 13 verse. "Therefore whosever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." Mat. 7 ch. 24,25, verses.

Observe, those Jews who continued in his word, were to be his disciples, and were to be made free by knowing and continuing in the truth. And from the quotation from Matthew's testimony we are informed, that those who hear his sayings and keep them, are to stand when the indignation passes over. This then, is the manner of teaching left on record, which the apostles followed, if they obeyed the command of the Lord, and thus stands the promise to those who observe it.

We shall now look at that order of society formed by the conversion of men (as the sects would have them) with religious lies published in tracts, and falsehoods framed and promulgated by their leaders, to expose what they call delusion, and stop the spread of what they call herisy. It is admissible, no doubt, in the mind of every professed believer of the bible, that the apostles were good men, and walked in such perfection that from time to time they received revelations, the ministry of angels, and even saw the Lord. Those churches which they organized after the manner of the Savior's teaching, as they were commanded, also attained to the same standing before God. So we see that they taught a system which was able to make others as perfect as themselves, and of course, it could make their followers no more, if they [the apostles] observed their own teachings.

If the apostles were good men and taught the truth, and were only able to arrive to the perfection which would enable them to receive the ministering of angels, and converse with the Lord, as well as those who followed the same form of teaching, and now men come forward under a pretence of preaching the same gospel, and are filled with deceit, and for fear their systems will not be received, condescend to publish falsehoods, will that people thus taught, and those societies thus led, ever arrive to the perfection of the ancients, and be prepared to stand when the storm shall come?

Men might do well, perhaps, if they would keep in sight the strict injunction of the Savior: [Matt. 28:20] "Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." And if any man "observe these sayings of mine he shall not fall when the floods come." Again: [John 17:17] "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." And again: [John 8:32] "The truth shall make you free." Supposing the publishers of tracts should write a falsehood concerning a certain dispensation of providence, as they would call it, and tell a long story of the judgments of heaven which came upon an individual in Europe, or another place, at so great a distance that the falsehood could not be detected without more trouble than any man would subject himself to, and set forth as a reason, that the character did not attend their meetings, or something else as foolish, and some half a dozen persons should be what they call converted, would it be by the force of truth? and query, if it was not by the force of truth, would it not be by the force of a lie? and if by the force of a lie would they be sanctified? If they were they would be sanctified through a lie, and not the truth. And if they were thus converted, would the truth make the free, or would they be free by believing a lie?

If the truth of heaven is at last found to be insufficient to convert mankind, and those who pretend to teach the gospel are under the necessity of framing falsehoods to give it currency, well may the saint dispair of ever seeing the world converted to God to the last generation when the earth shall be wrapped in fire and the heavens be rolled together as a scroll. If such as pretend to have authority to teach those principles which came from above, condescend to report falsehoods to support their systems, in vain may they think to escape the impending destruction which awaits all who have not a foundation laid upon the rock. If none are founded upon the rock except such as follow the precepts of heaven; if none are sanctified except those who are sanctified through the truth; if none are perfected except such as observe all things which Christ commanded his apostles to teach all nations, and if none have a hope bassed upon a more sure foundation than such as cling to men who frame and publish lies to oppose the truth, farewell, this generation may say, to all our hopes, and adieu to the prospects of ever reaching those mansions in the House of the Father, where his elect are to dwell--the rain will descend, the floods will come, and the winds will blow, their false pretences with their vain hope will perish in an instant, while leaders and led will be overwhelmed with the same ruin, and sink without exception into the same pit!--[Editor of the Star.]

<"The Saints">
Oliver Cowdery "The Saints," E&MS 2 (May 1834)

THE SAINTS. {beliefs-lds}

UNDER the head Communicated on the last page of this number, will be seen the Minutes of a Conference held by the elders of The Church of the Latter Day Saints, in this place on the 3rd of this month. It is now more than four years since this church was organized in these last days, and though the conferences have always shown by their minutes, that they took no other name than the name of Christ, the church has, particularly abroad, been called "Mormonite." As the members of this church profess a belief in the truth of the book of Mormon, the world, either out of contempt and ridicule, or to distinguish us from others, have been very lavish in bestowing the title of "Mormonite." Others may call themselves by their own, or by other names, and have the privilege of wearing them without our changing them or attempting so to do; but WE do not accept the above title, nor shall we wear it as OUR name, though it may be lavished out upon US double to what it has heretofore been. And when that bitterness of feeling, now cherished in the bosoms of those who profess to be the followers of Christ, against the church of the Latter Day Saints, shall cease to exist, and when fabrications and desipient reports concerning this society are no longer considered a virtue, it will take its rank, at least with others, and these stigmas will forever sleep with their inventors.

It is not our intention to go into a lengthy investigation of names, in this article, nor shall we examine, particularly, the claims of each party to the right of heirship in the house of God. This thing is certain, however, if one is right, all the others are wrong, and if they are all right the bible is not true; for when the doctrine therein advocated is compared with this confused mass of heathenism, mockery, and idolatry, the resemblance is so foreign, that a candid mind would say at once, that if the same being was author of these, and that book too, he must be possessed of as many different natures as the "hydra" was of heads.

Let the man who never heard that there was a bible, or a religion professed by men, the merits of which they said would waft them to perfection and glory, examine the contents of that book and note its precepts, and then compare those precepts with the religions of this age, and where would he find that exact uniformity which would be necessary, for him to acknowledge that they were one, and cause the proper conviction that a Superior Being was author of them both, and cause him to embrace it with an unfeigned cofidence that it came from his Maker? He might find a list of other names, to be sure, but as he was not taught by tradition that these names, or the wearers of them, professed to be like that people represented in the bible, he could not think that the one claimed any affinity to the other, without an abundance of labor in manufacturing him over.

Should it be urged, that those professing a belief in the bible, and not only professing a belief but to be followers of the doctrine contained in the same, were certain that they were right, we would ask for the example in that book which they profess came from God, of these different names, and for samples of the doctrine held forth by them to the world for others to follow, assuring all eternal life who will yield an obedience to the same? If there is a sect now extant, professing to follow the teachings of heaven, and cannot, when they present their system to the consideration of the unbeliever, affirm, upon the authority of heaven, that by obeying it he is sure of eternal salvation, what can induce them to hold it out to the inspection of men, and teach it as coming from God? Is the system of man's salvation founded upon an uncertainty? and is it of that curious compound, that there can be a thousand ways, and all mean the same thing, and at last effect the same object? If it is urged that the ancient Saints were a different people in worship, had different ordinances, were partakers of other joys and privileges, and all this was necessary for their salvation, might we not with propriety ask, why was all this necessary for them, and is now unnecessary for those whose profession says that they are heirs of the same kingdom, children of the same Parent, and are expecting to be equal sharers with them in those joys which never fade, in that house not made with hands?

If it shall be further urged, that among all these are to be found the children of the kingdom of God, because each profess to believe the bible,we again ask for a sample in the sacred record where he ever took from Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Herodians, Samaritans, and of the other different sects, and called them the children of his kingdom? We admit, that from each of these, such as would repent and be baptized, were permitted to enter his kingdom, and were then recognized as his children; but all were one, professors of the same faith, members of the same body, and followers of the same Lord. They had no distinction of sects, this was lost when they obeyed the commandment, and were admitted into the church. They all followed one form of teaching, and each observed the same ordinances; and if a difference of opinion arose, the matter was decided by revelation. Thus they all walked the same road, were members of the same family, partakers of the same joys, and heirs to the same incorruptible inheritance--In short, they were the church of God, they were his SAINTS.

Had the apostles found the churches which they built up and organized, separating into different parties, some observing one ordinance and neglecting another, another party observing the ordinances which the first neglected, and neglecting the one which another observed, in what manner would the apostles have written to them on the subject? After reproofs and correction, (for certainly, they would have subjected themselves to rebukes,) if they still continued in that course, what would have been the result?--Would the Lord have directed his apostles to write in his name, and acknowledge them as his Saints? And if the ancient churches were required to observe the same order, where is the license for such as profess to be like them, to perform only a part of those ordinances, and yet be equal with them in assurances of eternal life? When the fact is admitted that the ancient saints were required to follow the same ordinances, and that no distinction of names were suffered to exist, may it not be asked, from whence all these different names, if from them all God is to take a certain portion, and will ultimately save that portion in his everlasting kingdom? Why not do away all names except one, if God is to save all? Were the ordinances of the gospel given for men to follow, or were they not? If the ancients were commanded to walk by the same rule, and be obedient to the same system, will the Lord make another people equal with them, whose names have been different, their actions different, their ordinances different, their performances different, and their whole systems of faith and worship, as diverse from the former, as the worship of the church at ancient Philadelphia, and the present Hindoos?

If none were entitled to the name Saints, except such as kept all the commandments and observed all the ordinances of heaven, and walked in that perfect manner that all their actions corresponded, so that in truth they could be called one family, it is no wonder, that those who have departed from the course which the ancients were required to persue in order to make their election sure, should now substitute other names, and that their names should be as dissimilar as their forms of worship; for certainly, it would be as inconsistant to suppose, by altering their names without reforming their systems, that that would give them a greater assurance of eternal life, as it would to suppose, that by calling themselves by one, they would yet all unite in ascribing glory to God for the plan of salvation, founded upon that act, when none of them agreed in principle. And since they have departed from the practices of the ancient saints, we do not see why they should be required to call themselves after their names, thinking to be benefited by it so long as they do not walk as they did. Their systems being of their own forming, we know not why they are not at liberty to name them, and if they choose, call them by their own names, as none of them pretend that God has ever spoken to them, or given them a name of any kind.--[Editor of the Star.]

Oliver Cowdery "Outrage," E&MS 2 (May 1834)


BY letters regularly received from Upper Missouri, we are informed that the mob still persist in their former course of conduct, that is, to destroy property and seek life when ever an opportunity presents. We have been informed that they have passed a regular decree, that no saint ["Mormons," they would call them] shall come into Jackson county and live, after the first of last April. Our friends have generally been wise, and have not exposed their lives by venturing in small numbers into a county where the whole population except a few, have pledged their property and lives by oath and bound, to violate the laws and trample the constitution of our country under their feet.

Not long since, however, we were informed, that a young man by the name of Ira J. Willis, went into that county in search of a stray cow, and was surrounded and taken by the mob, who whipped and beat him until his life was despaired of. We are personly acquainted with brother Willis, and know him to be a young man of first morality and respectability; of a kind and affectionate disposition, and one who never molests or insults any man without, and we might say, with provocotion.

From the following fact communicated a few days since, we are ready to conclude, that not only the members of the church of the Latter Day Saints, are in danger of being molested and abused if they go into Jackson county; but any one whose principles the mob may suspect are different from their own, is likewise liable to be insulted. A few days since Mr. Arthur, a respectable and wealthy planter of Clay county, sent one of his black servants into Jackson county with a large waggon loaded with whiskey, flour, and bacon. After the servant had crossed the River a stranger came out of the woods and began to burst open the barrels and dostroy the flour, threatening the life of the negro if he should ever come into that county again. Mr. Arthur is not a member of this, or any other religious society, as we know of, and what could have led to the commission of this strange deed, is not for us to say; but it would appear that all reason and respect has entirely fled from those characters, and they are like the wild beast, left to prowl upon every creature whom they suspect weaker than themselves, whether they are members of this church or not. The fact is, they have violated every principle of civil liberty, and can have no fellowship with, nor confidence in any but their own gang, and unless they are different from all others thus abandoned, they can have no confidence even in themselves.

But the mob are safe enough, as regards criminal prosecutions, because they hold the offices of the county in their own hands, and of course, no criminal process can or will avail any thing, were it to be undertaken. So they can inflict abuse, or even take the life of any man against whom they have a spleen and that too at mid-day, and a jury of the same kind of men, bound with them to break the law of the land, would, of course, liberate such individuals. Thus have they contrived to escape justice, evade the force of the law, and enrich themselvs with the spoils of a people whom they have dispossessed of their land, and forced to flee for life.

In the affair of the mob with brother Willis they conducted as on similar occasions, and they must think that the act will reflect great honor upon their characters; indeed, it shows their true courage as it has ever been manifested from the beginning. For a large company of armed men to surround one man, commence insults upon his person and inflict wounds with whips and clubs till his life is dispaired of, when he is destitute of the means of self defense, and without a friend near to assist him, must be ranked among the most barbarous acts of the abandoned savage. But this has thus far been their manner of procedure, and we know not as any one can expect a different course, at least for the better. Whenever they have committed depredations they have always gone in large companies, and have fallen upon a few, thus gratifying their murderous dispositions upon defenseless innocence, so long as they knew that our friends were in possession of arms.

On the 20th of July, after demolishing a printing office, three or four hundred could take TWO when they knew that they would offer no resistance, and drive or drag them upon the public square, and then tar and feather them, because they were in no danger of being hurt; but had these two men armed themselves with sufficient weapons, they would have seen those ruffians turn their backs in haste; for death to them would have been an unwelcome visitor on that occasion. On the 23rd, five hundred could take seven individuals, and threaten life and destruction of property, and pass the day off with abundance of mirth and whiskey, thinking that affairs were moving on in regular order. At other times when committing violence, they have attempted it in the night with great numbers, assaulting one or two families at a time, armed with rifles and pistols; but the moment our friends resorted to arms, and actually fired upon the mob they fled in all directions. On the 4th of Nov. 60 or more armed men and on horseback, after two or three shots from about 20, fled in confusion, leaving their wounded and dying. We have given these few items as a specimen of their courage, when our friends were in a situation to defend themselves.

When their arms were given into the hands of what they called the civil authority, or rather the authority that ought to have been civil, then every mean and cowardly villain, who had previously stood back, rushed out to gratify his revenge; and among these was the Rev. Isaac M'Coy! Yes, the Rev. Isaac M'Coy, a Missionary; a baptist Missionary! sent to convert the Indians! Not content with the calamity which was brought upon an inoffensive and defenseless people, he grasped his gun and marched at the head of a company of ruffains, and ordered women and children to flee for their lives. This is a true follower of John Calvin--"as your fathers did so do you."

The following from bro. W. [William] W. Phelps, is the last intelligence from the west; and as it gives particulars we insert it, defering further remarks till a future number.--[Editor of the Star.]

<William Phelps>
Helaman: William Phelps ltr 1 May 1834 in E&MS 2 (May 1834)

Liberty, May 1, 1834.

DEAR BRETHREN:--There are great moves in the west. Last week an alarm was spread in Jackson county, the seat of iniquity and bloodshed, that the "Mormons" were crossing the Missouri, to take possession of their lands, and nearly all the county turned out, "prepared for war," on Saturday, and on Sunday took the field, near old McGees, above Blue. But no "Mormons" came; neither did Arthur go over to see about his spilt whiskey, so that the scene closed with burning our houses, or many of them. Our people had about one hundred and seventy buildings in Jackson, and a bonfire of nearly all of them, at once, must have made a light large enough to have glared on the dark deed and cup of iniquity running over, at midnight.

The crisis has come: All that will not take up arms with the mob and prepare to fight the "Mormons," have to leave Jackson county.

I understand some have left the county because they refused to fight an innocent people. It is said the mob will hold a "general muster" this week for the purpose of learning who is who. They begin to slip over the Missouri and commit small depredations upon our brethren settled near the river, as we have reason to believe.

It is said to be enough to shock the stoutest heart to witness the drinking, swearing, and ravings of the most of the mob: nothing but the power of God can stop them in their latter day crusade against the church of Christ.

Our brethren are very industrious in putting in spring crops; and they are generally in good health and the faithful in strong faith of a glorious hereafter.

I remain yours, &c, W. [William] W. PHELPS.

Oliver Cowdery ed E&MS 2 (May 1834)

Communicated. Kirtland, Ohio, May 3, 1834.

MINUTES of a Conference of the Elders of the church of Christ, which church was organized in the township of Fayette, Seneca county, New-York, on the 6th of April, A. D. 1830. {beliefs-lds}

The Conference came to order, and JOSEPH SMITH JR. was chosen Moderator, and FREDERICK G. WILLIAMS and OLIVER COWDERY, were appointed clerks.

After prayer the Conference proceeded to discuss the subject of names and appellations, when a motion was made by SIDNEY RIGDON, and seconded by NEWEL K. WHITNEY, that this church be known hereafter by the name of THE CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS. Appropriate remarks were delivered by some of the members, after which the motion was put by the Moderator, and passed by unanimous voice.

Resolved that this Conference recommend to the Conferences and Churches abroad, that in making out and transmitting Minutes of their proceedings, such minutes and proceedings be made out under the above title.

Resolved that these Minutes be signed by the Moderator and Clerks, and published in The Evening and The Morning Star.



If each patron of the Star would obtain another subscriber, they would, by that means, advance the spread of truth, and many who are now ignorant of the gospel might come to a knowledge of the glories of the last days. When we have a privilege of benefiting our fellow men, and that privilege is presented without trouble on our part more than merely exerting an influence which every man has with his neighbor, a principle ought always to exist in our bosoms, to seek his benefit without delay, and present the light as communicated to ourselves. Perhaps, one may be instrumental in showing the path of righteousness to his neighbor in that clear conspicuous manner which will persuade him to embrace it, and by that simple means, God may in the order of his purposes, bring that man into his everlasting kingdom.

We admit, that our country is literally filled with stated publications, and many are conducted under the title of religious periodicals. There can be no objection in the mind of any man who delights in the prosperity of his country, to witness the increase of the means of intelligence, and to see that means employed in communicating light and science; but amid this great mass of matter, darkness yet covers the earth, and the pure, simple principles of the gospel of Christ are untouched, and men are hastening to ruin!

Our patrons are entitled to acknowledgments from us for their liberality heretofore, and we still solicit an exertion on their part to enlarge our subscription. The low price of the Star will enable every individual, if disposed, to become a subscriber. From our brethren in the ministry we have a right to expect an unceasing exertion to increase the spread of this paper, as they will often find by so doing, that where they introduce the Star, frequent doors are opened and they kindly received, deep rooted malice gives way, and the public is thus prepared to give them a hearing without abuse, which otherwise might not have been. As the work spreads the Star will continue to be more interesting, and as the time draws nigh when desolations are to cover the wicked and envelop the nations in one universal calamity, we can only persuade men to turn to God that they may stand unmoved with his saints, when deliverance is not to be found except in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.--[Editor.]


WHAT wond'rous things we now behold, Which were declar'd from days of old By prophets, who in vision clear Beheld those glories from afar.

The visions which the God, Confirm'd by his unchanging word, That to the ages then unborn His greatest work he would perform.

The second time he'd set his hand To gather Israel to their land, Fulfil the cov'nants he had made, And pour his blessings on their head.

When Moab's remnant, long oppress'd, Should gather'd be and greatly blest: And Ammons children, scatter'd wide, Return with joy, in peace abide.

While Elam's race a feeble band, Receive a share in the blest land; And Gentiles, all their power display To hasten on the glorious day.

Then Ephraim's sons, a warlike race, Shall haste in peace and see their rest, And earth's remotest parts abound, With joys of everlasting sound.

Assyria's captives, long since lost, In splendor come a num'rous host; Egyptia's waters fill'd with fear, Their power feel and disappear.

Yes, Abram's children now shall be Like sand in number by the sea; While kindreds, tongues, and nations all Combine, to make the numbers full.

The dawning of that day has come, See! Abram's sons are gath'ring home, And daughters too, with joyful lays, Are hast'ning here to join in praise!

O God, our Father, and our King, Prepare our voices and our theme; Let all our pow'rs in one combine To sing thy praise in songs divine.


O. [Oliver] COWDERY, Editor.